What Can I Do With the Honeywell Home Thermostat API?
You can control the various functions of our Honeywell Home Round Thermostat as well as get status from the device itself including:
Getting and changing current setpoint(s)
Getting and changing System Mode (e.g., Heat, Cool, Off)
Get and change the Fan Mode
Get current indoor temperature and indoor humidity readings
Get user and location information
Note: A physical Honeywell Home device is required to use the API. We currently do not have a simulator.
To start using the API you have two options:
- Using the interactive documentation which gets you past the step of setting up an OAuth redirect URL for tokens
- Registering an OAuth Redirect URL to your application and using your own code
- A Honeywell Home account with a connected/installed device
- An API Key
Example API Call Flow:
First: Make sure you have an OAuth token or are using the built in documentation. If you aren't familiar with OAuth, start with the OAuth2 Guide.
Second: Get a user's locations and devices. Here you'll want to store the locationIDs and deviceIDs for later use in changing settings.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer accessTokenHere" api.honeywellhome.com/v2/locations?apikey=yourApiKeyHere
Response Snippet:
[ { "locationID": 29769, "name": "home", "streetAddress": "1985 Douglas drive", "city": "Golden valley", "state": "MN", "country": "Usa", "zipcode": "55422", "devices": [ { "deviceID": "TCC-1105359", "name": "Desk Test", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Desk Test"....
Third: You can use the locationId to get all the devices for a particular location
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer accessTokenHere" api.honeywell.com/v2/devices?apikey=apiKeyHere&locationId=29769
Response Snippet:
[ { "deviceID": "TCC-1105359", "name": "Desk Test", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Desk Test", "thermostat": { "units": "Fahrenheit", "indoorTemperature": 73.0000, "outdoorTemperature": 57.0000, "allowedModes": [ "Cool", "Heat", "Off" ], "deadband": 0.0000, "hasDualSetpointStatus": false, "minHeatSetpoint": 40.0000, "maxHeatSetpoint": 90.0000, "minCoolSetpoint": 50.0000, "maxCoolSetpoint": 99.0000, "changeableValues": { "mode": "Heat", "autoChangeoverActive": true, "heatSetpoint": 73.0000, "coolSetpoint": 78.0000 }.... ]
Fourth: The part we are should focus on is the "changeableValues" array. I'm too cold, so I'd appreciate if you change the setpoint up a couple degrees. It is a best practice to just take the changeableValues array and modify the settings you wish to change and leave the rest as-is when you POST it back.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer accessTokenHere" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "mode": "Heat", "autoChangeoverActive": true, "heatSetpoint": 74,"coolSetpoint": 78 }' https://api.honeywell.com/v2/devices/thermostats/TCC-1105359?apikey=apiKeyHere&locationId=29769
You should recieve a 200 response, and the setpoint on your device should change pretty quickly after that.