Honeywell Home Notification Service (Event Data)
Honeywell Home Notification Service is the process in which our platform pushes real-time event notifications to a Microsoft Azure Event Hub endpoint for retrevial.
Azure Event Hub Information
For more information about Azure Event Hub please see the following:
Event Structure
Each event has a "NotificationType" header in the Application Properties that defines the type of event. The events are only generated when one of the values contained within are changed. Notification types by device type:
- WldCriticalBatteryEvent
- WldCriticalBatteryResolvedEvent
- WldDeviceOfflineEvent
- WldDeviceOnlineEvent
- WldHighHumidityEvent
- WldHighHumidityResolvedEvent
- WldHighTemperatureEvent
- WldHighTemperatureResolvedEvent
- WldLowBatteryEvent
- WldLowBatteryResolvedEvent
- WldLowHumidityEvent
- WldLowHumidityResolvedEvent
- WldLowTemperatureEvent
- WldLowTemperatureResolvedEvent
- WldWaterLeakEvent
- WldWaterLeakResolvedEvent
- CameraClipReadyEvent
- CameraSoundStartedEvent
- CameraStatusOfflineEvent
- CameraStatusOnlineEvent
- CameraMotionStartedEvent
- CameraDeviceActivatedEvent
- CameraDeviceDeactivatedEvent
- DasSystemAcLossEvent
- DasSystemAcLossClearEvent
- DasAutomationDeviceUpdateFailureEvent
- DasTimedOutEvent
- DasDeviceDiscoveryEvent
- DasDeviceDiscoveryTimeoutEvent
- DasDeviceDiscoveryFailureEvent
- DasKeyFobAddEvent
- DasKeyFobDeleteEvent
- DasKeyFobDeleteFailureEvent
- DasKeyFobUpdateEvent
- DasKeyFobUpdateFailureEvent
- DasPartitionUpdateEvent
- DasPartitionUpdateFailureEvent
- DasAlarmFailedEvent
- DasAlarmDismissFailedEvent
- DasSensorAddEvent
- DasSensorAlarmEvent
- DasSensorAlarmClearEvent
- DasSensorBypassEvent
- DasSensorBypassFailureEvent
- DasSensorBypassClearEvent
- DasSensorOpenEvent
- DasSensorCloseEvent
- DasSensorDeleteEvent
- DasSensorDeleteFailureEvent
- DasSensorTamperEvent
- DasSensorTamperClearEvent
- DasSensorUpdateEvent
- DasSensorTestModeEvent
- DasSensorOfflineEvent
- DasSensorOnlineEvent
- DasSystemUpdateEvent
- DasSystemBatteryStateEvent
- DasFirmwareUpgradeStartEvent
- DasFirmwareUpgradeSuccessEvent
- DasFirmwareUpgradeFailureEvent
- DasSwitchAddEvent
- DasSwitchDeleteEvent
- DasSwitchUpdateEvent
- DasResetZWaveControllerEvent
- DasResetZWaveControllerFailureEvent
- DasSensorUpdateFailureEvent
- DasSensorTestModeFailureEvent
- DasSystemOnlineEvent
- DasSystemOfflineEvent
- DasSystemTamperEvent
- DasSystemTamperClearEvent
- DemandResponseFinishedEvent
- DemandResponseOptedOutEvent
- DemandResponsePhaseChangedEvent
- DemandResponseStartedEvent
- DemandResponseScheduledEvent
- DeviceOfflineEvent
- DeviceOnlineEvent
- FanStatusEvent
- FanSwitchEvent
- SetpointStatusEvent
- SystemSwitchEvent
- ThermostatIndoorHumidityEvent
- ThermostatOutdoorHumidityEvent
- ThermostatIndoorTemperatureEvent
- ThermostatOutdoorTemperatureEvent
All Smart Home Security, Camera, and Water Leak Detector events will contain the following body items:
NOTE: Thermostat events were generated in a previous version so they do not share the same attributes. Further information will be provided on the Thermostat events page.
Field Name/Location | Data Type | Definition |
DeviceId | String | DeviceID of the device changed |
DeviceType | String | Type of the device in the event. Possible values: "DAS" (Smart Home Security), "WLD", "BuiltIn" (Built In Camera for Smart Home Security), "C1", "C2" |
OccuredAt | DateTime | Date/Time stamp of the change |
Subsystem | String | Source system of the change. Possible values: "Wld", "Das" (Smart Home Security), "Camera" |
BackendId | String | Subsystem (backend) device ID |
FrontendId | String | API facing Frontend ID, for example what would come in the GET /locations response |
MessageBody | JSON String | Raw JSON source data from device facing system |
DeviceSubscribe/Unsubscribe Events
The notification service also supports sending two generic event types. These are the names of the events and the name used in the "NotificationType" header:
- DeviceSubscribedEvent
- DeviceUnsubscribedEvent
DeviceSubscribedEvent will be sent when the POST /subscribe call is completed successfully.
{ "MacId": "48A2E684B5D3", "OccuredAt": "2023-09-25T11:00:13.8995081Z", "Subsystem": "Lcc" }
DeviceUnsubscribedEvent will be sent when the DELETE /subscribe call is completed successfully, or in the case of thermostats if the device is unregistered from the customer's account.
{ "MacId": "48A2E66EEA50", "OccuredAt": "2023-09-25T11:08:57.7696925Z", "Subsystem": "Lcc" }