T-Series Thermostat Getting Started Guide

Along with our Lyric Round Thermostat, we've introduced the T-Series devices. The devices are available in both the US and UK! The biggest difference is the form factor of the device (square versus round) and the T-Series has an onboard 7 day schedule capability along with geofencing. This introduces the /schedule resource into the v2 API.

Example API Calls

This guide assumes you are able to get and use an OAuth2 Bearer token. If you haven't gone through this process or need help, we recommend you check out our OAuth2 Guide! You'll also notice the deviceID prefix begins with "LCC-" versus "TCC-".

Getting a list of all locations for a user:


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer accessTokenHere" api.honeywellhome.com/v2/locations?apikey={apikey}

Response snippet:

    "locationID": 22562,
    "name": "Office",
    "streetAddress": "1985 Douglas Drive North",
    "city": "Golden Valley",
    "state": "MN",
    "country": "Usa",
    "zipcode": "55422",
    "devices": [
        "displayedOutdoorHumidity": 54,
        "vacationHold": {
          "enabled": false
        "currentSchedulePeriod": {
          "day": "Monday",
          "period": "Away"
        "scheduleCapabilities": {
          "availableScheduleTypes": [
          "schedulableFan": false
        "scheduleType": {
          "scheduleType": "Timed",
          "scheduleSubType": "NA"
        "isAlive": false,
        "isUpgrading": false,
        "macID": "00D02DAB5CBE",
        "scheduleStatus": "Resume",
        "allowedTimeIncrements": 15,
        "deviceClass": "Thermostat",
        "deviceType": "Thermostat",
        "deviceID": "LCC-00D02DAB5CBE",

Show all thermostats for a location (this response could contain Lyric Round and T-Series:


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer accessTokenHere" api.honeywellhome.com/v2/devices/thermostats?apikey={apikey}&locationId={locationId}

Response snippet:

        "displayedOutdoorHumidity": 54,
        "vacationHold": {
          "enabled": false
        "currentSchedulePeriod": {
          "day": "Monday",
          "period": "Away"
        "scheduleCapabilities": {
          "availableScheduleTypes": [
          "schedulableFan": false
        "scheduleType": {
          "scheduleType": "Timed",
          "scheduleSubType": "NA"
        "isAlive": false,
        "isUpgrading": false,
        "macID": "00D02DAB5CBE",
        "scheduleStatus": "Resume",
        "allowedTimeIncrements": 15,
        "deviceClass": "Thermostat",
        "deviceType": "Thermostat",
        "deviceID": "LCC-00D02DAB5CBE"

Changing Setpoints and managing Setpoint Holds:

Because of the onboard 7-day schedule capability, the thermostat has the capability to go into a setpoint change for a set period of time after which it returns to schedule, or it can be set to permanent hold.

As with the round, best practice is to take the changeableValues array from the device structure and just change/add the values you wish, leaving the rest the same. To modify the setpoint type use the following values. The description of how it works is next to each option:

  • "NoHold" - This will set the device to run the current schedule
  • "TemporaryHold" - No "nextPeriodTime" is required, the thermostat will hold the temperature until the next schedule period change.
  • "PermanentHold" - This will hold the setpoint until the next consumer interaction.
  • "HoldUntil" - Requires a "nextPeriodTime" value, the thermostat will hold the requested setpoint(s) until that time. Allowed in 15 minute increments for a 24 hour period.

The following request will set Heat to 64 until 7AM:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer accessTokenHere" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ "mode": "Heat", "heatSetpoint": 64, "coolSetpoint": 82, "thermostatSetpointStatus": "HoldUntil", "nextPeriodTime": "07:00:00" }" api.honeywellhome.com/v2/devices/thermostats/{deviceId}?apikey={apikey}&locationId={locationId}

You should recieve a 200 response, and the setpoint on your device should change quickly.