

Get rooms in a group

Get rooms for a group

This will GET rooms for a specific device and group.

    "deviceId": "LCC-B82CA0196B73",
    "groupId": 0,
    "rooms": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "Living Room",
            "type": "LivingSpace",
            "avgTemperature": 72.766,
            "avgHumidity": 24,
            "accessories": [
                    "accessoryId": 0,
                    "accessoryAttribute": {
                        "type": "Thermostat",
                        "connectionMethod": "WI",
                        "name": "Thermostat",
                        "model": "RCHT9610WFW2004",
                        "serialNumber": "123456789012",
                        "softwareRevision": "",
                        "hardwareRevision": "FLYCATCH_TS-0001"
                    "accessoryValue": {
                        "coolSetpoint": 0,
                        "heatSetpoint": 0,
                        "indoorHumidity": 21,
                        "indoorTemperature": 72.695,
                        "motionDet": false,
                        "occupancyDet": false,
                        "excludeTemp": false,
                        "excludeMotion": false,
                        "pressure": 0,
                        "occupancyTimeout": 0,
                        "status": "Ok",
                        "batteryStatus": "Ok",
                        "rssiAverage": -49
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Guest Bedroom",
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "avgTemperature": 73.008,
            "avgHumidity": 22,
            "accessories": [
                    "accessoryId": 1,
                    "accessoryAttribute": {
                        "type": "IndoorAirSensor",
                        "connectionMethod": "RL",
                        "name": "Guest Bedroom",
                        "model": "4352",
                        "serialNumber": "",
                        "softwareRevision": "",
                        "hardwareRevision": ""
                    "accessoryValue": {
                        "coolSetpoint": 0,
                        "heatSetpoint": 0,
                        "indoorHumidity": 22,
                        "indoorTemperature": 72.969,
                        "motionDet": true,
                        "occupancyDet": false,
                        "excludeTemp": false,
                        "excludeMotion": false,
                        "pressure": 0,
                        "occupancySensitivity": "Medium",
                        "occupancyTimeout": 0,
                        "status": "Ok",
                        "batteryStatus": "Ok",
                        "rssiAverage": -44
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Master Bedroom",
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "avgTemperature": 73.039,
            "avgHumidity": 22,
            "accessories": [
                    "accessoryId": 2,
                    "accessoryAttribute": {
                        "type": "IndoorAirSensor",
                        "connectionMethod": "RL",
                        "name": "Master Bedroom",
                        "model": "4352",
                        "serialNumber": "",
                        "softwareRevision": "",
                        "hardwareRevision": ""
                    "accessoryValue": {
                        "coolSetpoint": 0,
                        "heatSetpoint": 0,
                        "indoorHumidity": 22,
                        "indoorTemperature": 73.008,
                        "motionDet": true,
                        "occupancyDet": false,
                        "excludeTemp": false,
                        "excludeMotion": false,
                        "pressure": 0,
                        "occupancySensitivity": "Medium",
                        "occupancyTimeout": 0,
                        "status": "Ok",
                        "batteryStatus": "Ok",
                        "rssiAverage": -50
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Family Room",
            "type": "LivingSpace",
            "avgTemperature": 72.828,
            "avgHumidity": 21,
            "accessories": [
                    "accessoryId": 3,
                    "accessoryAttribute": {
                        "type": "IndoorAirSensor",
                        "connectionMethod": "RL",
                        "name": "Family Room",
                        "model": "4352",
                        "serialNumber": "",
                        "softwareRevision": "",
                        "hardwareRevision": ""
                    "accessoryValue": {
                        "coolSetpoint": 0,
                        "heatSetpoint": 0,
                        "indoorHumidity": 21,
                        "indoorTemperature": 72.789,
                        "motionDet": true,
                        "occupancyDet": false,
                        "excludeTemp": false,
                        "excludeMotion": false,
                        "pressure": 0,
                        "occupancySensitivity": "Medium",
                        "occupancyTimeout": 0,
                        "status": "Ok",
                        "batteryStatus": "Low",
                        "rssiAverage": -35
Field Name/Location Data Type Definition
deviceId String Device ID of the main thermostat (T9/T10)
groupId Number Group ID
rooms Array Array of objects for each room in the group Integer ID of the room in the group String User defined name of the room
room.type String Type of room
room.avgTemperature Number Average temperature of all sensors in the room
room.avgHumidity Number Average humidity of all sensors in the room
room.accessories Array Array of accessory (sensor) objects
accessory.accessoryId Integer ID of the acessory
accessory.accessoryAttribute Object Accessory attributes
accessoryAttribute.type String Type of accessory
accessoryAttribute.connectionMethod String Method of communication between the accessory and base station String Name of the accessory
accessoryAttribute.model String Model # of the accessory
accessoryAttribute.serialNumber String Serial number of the accessory
accessoryAttribute.softwareRevision String
accessoryAttribute.hardwareRevision String
accessory.accessoryValue Object Object of accessory values (data)
accessoryValue.coolSetpoint Number Cool setpoint of the accessory
accessoryValue.heatSetpoint Number Cool setpoint of the accessory
accessoryValue.indoorHumidity Number Humidity reading at the accessory
accessoryValue.indoorTemperature Number Temperature reading at the accessory
accessoryValue.motionDet Boolean Is motion detected?
accessoryValue.occupancyDet Boolean Is the room occupied?
accessoryValue.excludeTemp Boolean Exclude temperature reading from operation
accessoryValue.excludeMotion Boolean Exclude motion sensor reading from operation
accessoryValue.pressure Number
accessoryValue.occupancySensitivity String Sensitivity level of occupancy sensor
accessoryValue.occupancyTimeout Integer Timeout of occupancy detected
accessoryValue.status String Status of accessory
accessoryValue.batteryStatus String Status of accessory battery
accessoryValue.rssiAverage Number Signal strength to the base

Resource URL /devices/thermostats/{deviceId}/group/{groupId}/rooms

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Your API Key


LocationID for the requested device

Request Body

deviceId DeviceID for the requested device true

groupId GroupID for the requested rooms true

HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

Resource Summary


Content Type

