Get rooms in a group
Get rooms for a group
This will GET rooms for a specific device and group.
{ "deviceId": "LCC-B82CA0196B73", "groupId": 0, "rooms": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Living Room", "type": "LivingSpace", "avgTemperature": 72.766, "avgHumidity": 24, "accessories": [ { "accessoryId": 0, "accessoryAttribute": { "type": "Thermostat", "connectionMethod": "WI", "name": "Thermostat", "model": "RCHT9610WFW2004", "serialNumber": "123456789012", "softwareRevision": "", "hardwareRevision": "FLYCATCH_TS-0001" }, "accessoryValue": { "coolSetpoint": 0, "heatSetpoint": 0, "indoorHumidity": 21, "indoorTemperature": 72.695, "motionDet": false, "occupancyDet": false, "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "pressure": 0, "occupancyTimeout": 0, "status": "Ok", "batteryStatus": "Ok", "rssiAverage": -49 } } ] }, { "id": 1, "name": "Guest Bedroom", "type": "Bedroom", "avgTemperature": 73.008, "avgHumidity": 22, "accessories": [ { "accessoryId": 1, "accessoryAttribute": { "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "connectionMethod": "RL", "name": "Guest Bedroom", "model": "4352", "serialNumber": "", "softwareRevision": "", "hardwareRevision": "" }, "accessoryValue": { "coolSetpoint": 0, "heatSetpoint": 0, "indoorHumidity": 22, "indoorTemperature": 72.969, "motionDet": true, "occupancyDet": false, "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "pressure": 0, "occupancySensitivity": "Medium", "occupancyTimeout": 0, "status": "Ok", "batteryStatus": "Ok", "rssiAverage": -44 } } ] }, { "id": 2, "name": "Master Bedroom", "type": "Bedroom", "avgTemperature": 73.039, "avgHumidity": 22, "accessories": [ { "accessoryId": 2, "accessoryAttribute": { "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "connectionMethod": "RL", "name": "Master Bedroom", "model": "4352", "serialNumber": "", "softwareRevision": "", "hardwareRevision": "" }, "accessoryValue": { "coolSetpoint": 0, "heatSetpoint": 0, "indoorHumidity": 22, "indoorTemperature": 73.008, "motionDet": true, "occupancyDet": false, "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "pressure": 0, "occupancySensitivity": "Medium", "occupancyTimeout": 0, "status": "Ok", "batteryStatus": "Ok", "rssiAverage": -50 } } ] }, { "id": 3, "name": "Family Room", "type": "LivingSpace", "avgTemperature": 72.828, "avgHumidity": 21, "accessories": [ { "accessoryId": 3, "accessoryAttribute": { "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "connectionMethod": "RL", "name": "Family Room", "model": "4352", "serialNumber": "", "softwareRevision": "", "hardwareRevision": "" }, "accessoryValue": { "coolSetpoint": 0, "heatSetpoint": 0, "indoorHumidity": 21, "indoorTemperature": 72.789, "motionDet": true, "occupancyDet": false, "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "pressure": 0, "occupancySensitivity": "Medium", "occupancyTimeout": 0, "status": "Ok", "batteryStatus": "Low", "rssiAverage": -35 } } ] } ] }
Field Name/Location | Data Type | Definition |
deviceId | String | Device ID of the main thermostat (T9/T10) |
groupId | Number | Group ID |
rooms | Array | Array of objects for each room in the group | | Integer | ID of the room in the group | | String | User defined name of the room |
room.type | String | Type of room |
room.avgTemperature | Number | Average temperature of all sensors in the room |
room.avgHumidity | Number | Average humidity of all sensors in the room |
room.accessories | Array | Array of accessory (sensor) objects |
accessory.accessoryId | Integer | ID of the acessory |
accessory.accessoryAttribute | Object | Accessory attributes |
accessoryAttribute.type | String | Type of accessory |
accessoryAttribute.connectionMethod | String | Method of communication between the accessory and base station | | String | Name of the accessory |
accessoryAttribute.model | String | Model # of the accessory |
accessoryAttribute.serialNumber | String | Serial number of the accessory |
accessoryAttribute.softwareRevision | String | |
accessoryAttribute.hardwareRevision | String | |
accessory.accessoryValue | Object | Object of accessory values (data) |
accessoryValue.coolSetpoint | Number | Cool setpoint of the accessory |
accessoryValue.heatSetpoint | Number | Cool setpoint of the accessory |
accessoryValue.indoorHumidity | Number | Humidity reading at the accessory |
accessoryValue.indoorTemperature | Number | Temperature reading at the accessory |
accessoryValue.motionDet | Boolean | Is motion detected? |
accessoryValue.occupancyDet | Boolean | Is the room occupied? |
accessoryValue.excludeTemp | Boolean | Exclude temperature reading from operation |
accessoryValue.excludeMotion | Boolean | Exclude motion sensor reading from operation |
accessoryValue.pressure | Number | |
accessoryValue.occupancySensitivity | String | Sensitivity level of occupancy sensor |
accessoryValue.occupancyTimeout | Integer | Timeout of occupancy detected |
accessoryValue.status | String | Status of accessory |
accessoryValue.batteryStatus | String | Status of accessory battery |
accessoryValue.rssiAverage | Number | Signal strength to the base |
Resource URL /devices/thermostats/{deviceId}/group/{groupId}/rooms
Query Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
(required) |
Your API Key |
(required) |
LocationID for the requested device |
Request Body
deviceId DeviceID for the requested device true
groupId GroupID for the requested rooms true
Make a request and see the response.
Make a request and see the response.
Make a request and see the response.
Resource Summary |
Security |
Content Type |
application/json |