


Pause Schedule{deviceId}/status/pause

Pauses schedule on thermostat


Enable Schedule{deviceId}/status/resume

Enables schedule on thermostat


Get Schedule Status{deviceId}/status

Get current schedule status for a specific thermostat Responses will differ based on specific device, equipment setup, and model type. (e.g., some devices do not have a local time-based schedule) Resume = Schedule is Active on device Pause = Schedule is Disabled on device Response Model ExampleData Definitions { "scheduleStatus": "Resume" } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition scheduleStatus String Current status of schedule Resume = Schedule is Active on device Pause = Schedule is Disabled on device


Get Thermostat Configuration{deviceId}/thermostatconfiguration

Get the system configuration and version of the current thermostat. Includes information on heating and cooling stages for the device. See Data Definitions for more information. Response Model ExampleData Definitions { "systemConfiguration": { "coolingStages": 1, "coolingSystem": "Gas", "heatingStages": 1, "heatingSystem": "Gas" "enabled": false }, "thermostatVersion": "" } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition systemConfiguration Object System Configuration Object, showing heating/cooling stage information systemConfiguration.coolingStages Integer Number of cooling stages in system systemConfiguration.coolingSystem String Type of cooling system systemConfiguration.heatingStages Integer Number of heating stages in system systemConfiguration.heatingSystem String Type of heating system thermostatVersion String Version of thermostat Cooling System Types None EvaporativeCool FreeCoolNoVent FreeCoolWithVent CompressorCool Other Heating System Types None ForcedAirGasOil FreeHeatNoVent FreeHeatWithVent HeatPump ForcedAirElectric Hydronic ElectricBaseboard Radiant Other Gas CompressorHeat ElectricHeat HydronicHeat InFloorHeat


Set Room Priority{deviceId}/priority

Change the room priority settings for a T9/T10 thermostat. Priority Types: "PickARoom" - This will set the priority to the selected room(s) "FollowMe" - This will set room priority based on motion/occupancy. "WholeHouse" - This will use all rooms for priority. Example body: { "currentPriority": { "priorityType": "PickARoom", "selectedRooms": [ 0, 1 ] } }   Data Definitions Field Name/Location Data Type Definition currentPriority.priorityType String Set the desired priority type ('PickARoom', 'FollowMe', 'WholeHouse') currentPriority.selectedRooms Array Comma separated list of numbers of the rooms to use in the priority setting


Get Room Priority{deviceId}/priority

Get room priority for a device This will GET priority settings for a thermostat. Response Model Example Data Definitions { "deviceId": "B82CA0196B73", "status": "TemporaryHold", "currentPriority": { "priorityType": "PickARoom", "selectedRooms": [ 2 ], "rooms": [ { "id": 0, "roomName": "Living Room", "roomAvgTemp": 72.945, "roomAvgHumidity": 31, "overallMotion": false, "accessories": [ { "id": 0, "type": "Thermostat", "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "temperature": 73.672 } ] }, { "id": 1, "roomName": "Guest Bedroom", "roomAvgTemp": 72.93, "roomAvgHumidity": 29, "overallMotion": true, "accessories": [ { "id": 1, "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "temperature": 72.93 } ] }, { "id": 2, "roomName": "Master Bedroom", "roomAvgTemp": 73.672, "roomAvgHumidity": 28, "overallMotion": false, "accessories": [ { "id": 2, "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": true, "temperature": 73.672 } ] }, { "id": 3, "roomName": "Family Room", "roomAvgTemp": 73.008, "roomAvgHumidity": 28, "overallMotion": true, "accessories": [ { "id": 3, "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "temperature": 73.008 } ] } ] } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition deviceId String Device ID of the main thermostat (T9/T10) status Enum Status of priority settings ('TemporaryHold', 'PermanentHold', 'HoldUntil', 'NoHold', 'VacationHold') currentPriority Object Current priority settings currentPriority.priorityType Enum Current priority setting ('PickARoom', 'FollowMe', 'WholeHouse') currentPriority.selectedRooms Array List of rooms in the current priority setting currentPriority.rooms Array Array of room objects Integer ID of the room room.roomName String User defined room name room.roomAvgTemp Number Average temperature of the room room.roomAvgHumidity Number Average humidity of the room room.overallMotion Boolean Is motion detected in the room room.accessories Array Array of accessories in the room Integer ID of the accessory accessory.type String Type of the accessory ('IndoorAirSensor', 'Thermostat') accessory.excludeTemp Boolean Exclude temperature readings accessory.excludeMotion Boolean Exclude motion sensing accessory.temperature Number Current temperature reading


Get rooms in a group{deviceId}/group/{groupId}/rooms

Get rooms for a group This will GET rooms for a specific device and group. Response Model Example Data Definitions { "deviceId": "LCC-B82CA0196B73", "groupId": 0, "rooms": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Living Room", "type": "LivingSpace", "avgTemperature": 72.766, "avgHumidity": 24, "accessories": [ { "accessoryId": 0, "accessoryAttribute": { "type": "Thermostat", "connectionMethod": "WI", "name": "Thermostat", "model": "RCHT9610WFW2004", "serialNumber": "123456789012", "softwareRevision": "", "hardwareRevision": "FLYCATCH_TS-0001" }, "accessoryValue": { "coolSetpoint": 0, "heatSetpoint": 0, "indoorHumidity": 21, "indoorTemperature": 72.695, "motionDet": false, "occupancyDet": false, "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "pressure": 0, "occupancyTimeout": 0, "status": "Ok", "batteryStatus": "Ok", "rssiAverage": -49 } } ] }, { "id": 1, "name": "Guest Bedroom", "type": "Bedroom", "avgTemperature": 73.008, "avgHumidity": 22, "accessories": [ { "accessoryId": 1, "accessoryAttribute": { "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "connectionMethod": "RL", "name": "Guest Bedroom", "model": "4352", "serialNumber": "", "softwareRevision": "", "hardwareRevision": "" }, "accessoryValue": { "coolSetpoint": 0, "heatSetpoint": 0, "indoorHumidity": 22, "indoorTemperature": 72.969, "motionDet": true, "occupancyDet": false, "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "pressure": 0, "occupancySensitivity": "Medium", "occupancyTimeout": 0, "status": "Ok", "batteryStatus": "Ok", "rssiAverage": -44 } } ] }, { "id": 2, "name": "Master Bedroom", "type": "Bedroom", "avgTemperature": 73.039, "avgHumidity": 22, "accessories": [ { "accessoryId": 2, "accessoryAttribute": { "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "connectionMethod": "RL", "name": "Master Bedroom", "model": "4352", "serialNumber": "", "softwareRevision": "", "hardwareRevision": "" }, "accessoryValue": { "coolSetpoint": 0, "heatSetpoint": 0, "indoorHumidity": 22, "indoorTemperature": 73.008, "motionDet": true, "occupancyDet": false, "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "pressure": 0, "occupancySensitivity": "Medium", "occupancyTimeout": 0, "status": "Ok", "batteryStatus": "Ok", "rssiAverage": -50 } } ] }, { "id": 3, "name": "Family Room", "type": "LivingSpace", "avgTemperature": 72.828, "avgHumidity": 21, "accessories": [ { "accessoryId": 3, "accessoryAttribute": { "type": "IndoorAirSensor", "connectionMethod": "RL", "name": "Family Room", "model": "4352", "serialNumber": "", "softwareRevision": "", "hardwareRevision": "" }, "accessoryValue": { "coolSetpoint": 0, "heatSetpoint": 0, "indoorHumidity": 21, "indoorTemperature": 72.789, "motionDet": true, "occupancyDet": false, "excludeTemp": false, "excludeMotion": false, "pressure": 0, "occupancySensitivity": "Medium", "occupancyTimeout": 0, "status": "Ok", "batteryStatus": "Low", "rssiAverage": -35 } } ] } ] } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition deviceId String Device ID of the main thermostat (T9/T10) groupId Number Group ID rooms Array Array of objects for each room in the group Integer ID of the room in the group String User defined name of the room room.type String Type of room room.avgTemperature Number Average temperature of all sensors in the room room.avgHumidity Number Average humidity of all sensors in the room room.accessories Array Array of accessory (sensor) objects accessory.accessoryId Integer ID of the acessory accessory.accessoryAttribute Object Accessory attributes accessoryAttribute.type String Type of accessory accessoryAttribute.connectionMethod String Method of communication between the accessory and base station String Name of the accessory accessoryAttribute.model String Model # of the accessory accessoryAttribute.serialNumber String Serial number of the accessory accessoryAttribute.softwareRevision String accessoryAttribute.hardwareRevision String accessory.accessoryValue Object Object of accessory values (data) accessoryValue.coolSetpoint Number Cool setpoint of the accessory accessoryValue.heatSetpoint Number Cool setpoint of the accessory accessoryValue.indoorHumidity Number Humidity reading at the accessory accessoryValue.indoorTemperature Number Temperature reading at the accessory accessoryValue.motionDet Boolean Is motion detected? accessoryValue.occupancyDet Boolean Is the room occupied? accessoryValue.excludeTemp Boolean Exclude temperature reading from operation accessoryValue.excludeMotion Boolean Exclude motion sensor reading from operation accessoryValue.pressure Number accessoryValue.occupancySensitivity String Sensitivity level of occupancy sensor accessoryValue.occupancyTimeout Integer Timeout of occupancy detected accessoryValue.status String Status of accessory accessoryValue.batteryStatus String Status of accessory battery accessoryValue.rssiAverage Number Signal strength to the base


Set Schedule{deviceId}

Set current schedule for a given DeviceID T5/T6 can have 4 periods, T9/T10 can have up to 6. Timed schedule should have all 7 days of a week and can not repeat a day again. If "isCancelled" is 'true' the period wil not be set. if "isCancelled" is 'False' the period is set with respective values   Request Model ExampleData DefinitionsExample Timed Schedule   { "deviceID": "LCC-abcdef1234" "scheduleType": "Timed", "scheduleSubType": "NA", "timedSchedule": { "days": [ { "day": "Monday", "periods": [ { "isCancelled": true, "periodType": "Wake", "periodName": "string", "startTime": "string", "heatSetPoint": 0, "coolSetPoint": 0, "fanSwitch": { "position": "Auto", "speed": 0 }, "priority": { "priorityType": "WholeHouse", "selectedRooms": [ 0 ] }, "schedSysSwitch": "On" } ] } ] } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition Required deviceID String DeviceID associated to the schedule Y scheduleType Enum Schedule type, possible values: None,Geofenced,GeofencedWithSleep,Timed,Partner Y scheduleSubType Enum Secondary schedule type, "NA", "EMEA", "NONE" N timedSchedule Object Contains schedule settings   timedSchedule.days Array Contains schedule settings Enum Day of the week 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'   timedSchedule.days.periods Object Schedule periods for the given day   timedSchedule.days.periods.isCancelled Boolean True/false if the period is enabled for a given day   timedSchedule.days.periods.periodType String Period of the day (e.g, "Wake", "Away", "Home", "Sleep")   timedSchedule.days.periods.startTime String Time of the day the schedule period starts, in local time. Always 15 minute increments.   timedSchedule.days.periods.heatSetPoint Decimal Heating setpoint for the period   timedSchedule.days.periods.coolSetPoint Decimal Cooling setpoint for the period   timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch Object Fan switch scheduling (T9/T10 only)   timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch.position Enum Auto, On, Circulate, FollowSchedule   timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch.speed Number Always 0   timedSchedule.days.periods.priority Object Sensor priority setting for scheduled period (T9/T10 Only)   timedSchedule.days.periods.priority.priorityType Enum WholeHouse, PickARoom,FollowMe   timedSchedule.days.periods.priority.selectedRooms Array Array of Numbers of Rooms to Prioritize (via Rooms/Groups API)           { "deviceID": "LCC-{{MacID}}", "scheduleSubType": "NA", "scheduleType": "timed", "timedSchedule": { "days": [{ "day": "Monday", "periods": [{ "coolSetPoint": 80, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": true, "periodType": "Wake", "startTime": "06:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 85, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": true, "periodType": "Away", "startTime": "08:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 78, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Home", "startTime": "18:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 82, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Sleep", "startTime": "22:00:00" }] }, { "day": "Tuesday", "periods": [{ "coolSetPoint": 80, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Wake", "startTime": "06:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 85, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Away", "startTime": "08:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 78, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Home", "startTime": "18:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 82, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Sleep", "startTime": "22:00:00" }] }, { "day": "Wednesday", "periods": [{ "coolSetPoint": 80, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Wake", "startTime": "06:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 85, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Away", "startTime": "08:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 78, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Home", "startTime": "18:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 82, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Sleep", "startTime": "22:00:00" }] }, { "day": "Thursday", "periods": [{ "coolSetPoint": 80, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Wake", "startTime": "06:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 85, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Away", "startTime": "08:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 78, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Home", "startTime": "18:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 82, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Sleep", "startTime": "22:00:00" }] }, { "day": "Friday", "periods": [{ "coolSetPoint": 80, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Wake", "startTime": "06:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 85, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Away", "startTime": "08:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 78, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Home", "startTime": "18:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 82, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Sleep", "startTime": "22:00:00" }] }, { "day": "Saturday", "periods": [{ "coolSetPoint": 80, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Wake", "startTime": "06:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 85, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Away", "startTime": "08:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 78, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Home", "startTime": "18:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 82, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Sleep", "startTime": "22:00:00" }] }, { "day": "Sunday", "periods": [{ "coolSetPoint": 80, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Wake", "startTime": "06:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 85, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Away", "startTime": "08:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 78, "heatSetPoint": 70, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Home", "startTime": "18:00:00" }, { "coolSetPoint": 82, "heatSetPoint": 62, "isCancelled": false, "periodType": "Sleep", "startTime": "22:00:00" }] }] } }


Get Schedule{deviceId}

Get current schedule for a given DeviceID   Response Model ExampleData Definitions   { "deviceID": "string", "scheduleType": "None", "scheduleSubType": "NA", "timedSchedule": { "days": [ { "day": "Monday", "periods": [ { "isCancelled": true, "periodType": "Wake", "periodName": "string", "startTime": "string", "heatSetPoint": 0, "coolSetPoint": 0, "fanSwitch": { "position": "Auto", "speed": 0 }, "priority": { "priorityType": "WholeHouse", "selectedRooms": [ 0 ] }, "schedSysSwitch": "On" } ] } ] }, "geoFenceSchedule": { "homePeriod": { "heatSetPoint": 0, "coolSetPoint": 0, "fanSwitch": { "position": "Auto", "speed": 0 }, "priority": { "priorityType": "WholeHouse", "selectedRooms": [ 0 ] }, "schedSysSwitch": "On" }, "awayPeriod": { "heatSetPoint": 0, "coolSetPoint": 0, "fanSwitch": { "position": "Auto", "speed": 0 }, "priority": { "priorityType": "WholeHouse", "selectedRooms": [ 0 ] }, "schedSysSwitch": "On" }, "sleepMode": { "triggers": [ { "startTime": "string", "endTime": "string", "days": [ "Sunday" ] } ], "heatSetPoint": 0, "coolSetPoint": 0, "fanSwitch": { "position": "Auto", "speed": 0 }, "priority": { "priorityType": "WholeHouse", "selectedRooms": [ 0 ] }, "schedSysSwitch": "On" } }, "otbUpgrading": true, "scheduleChangeSource": { "by": "string", "name": "string" } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition Required deviceID String DeviceID associated to the schedule Y scheduleType Enum Schedule type, possible values: None,Geofenced,GeofencedWithSleep,Timed,Partner Y scheduleSubType Enum Secondary schedule type, "NA", "EMEA", "NONE" N timedSchedule Object Contains schedule settings   timedSchedule.days Array Contains schedule settings Enum Day of the week 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'   timedSchedule.days.periods Object Schedule periods for the given day   timedSchedule.days.periods.isCancelled Boolean True/false if the period is enabled for a given day   timedSchedule.days.periods.periodType String Period of the day (e.g, "Wake", "Away", "Home", "Sleep")   timedSchedule.days.periods.startTime String Time of the day the schedule period starts, in local time. Always 15 minute increments.   timedSchedule.days.periods.heatSetPoint Integer Heating setpoint for the period   timedSchedule.days.periods.coolSetPoint Integer Cooling setpoint for the period   timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch Object Fan switch scheduling (T9/T10 only)   timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch.position Enum Auto, On, Circulate, FollowSchedule   timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch.speed Number Always 0   timedSchedule.days.periods.priority Object Sensor priority setting for scheduled period (T9/T10 Only)   timedSchedule.days.periods.priority.priorityType Enum WholeHouse, PickARoom,FollowMe   timedSchedule.days.periods.priority.selectedRooms Array Array of Numbers of Rooms to Prioritize (via Rooms/Groups API)          


Get Thermostat{deviceId}

Get data for a specific thermostat Responses will differ based on specific device, equipment setup, and model type. (e.g., some devices do not have a local time-based schedule) Response Model ExampleData Definitions { "displayedOutdoorHumidity": 67, "vacationHold": { "enabled": false }, "currentSchedulePeriod": { "day": "Thursday", "period": "Away" }, "scheduleCapabilities": { "availableScheduleTypes": [ "None", "Geofenced", "TimedNorthAmerica" ], "schedulableFan": false }, "scheduleType": { "scheduleType": "Timed", "scheduleSubType": "NA" }, "scheduleStatus": "Resume", "allowedTimeIncrements": 15, "settings": { "hardwareSettings": { "brightness": 0, "maxBrightness": 5 }, "fan": { "allowedModes": [ "On", "Auto", "Circulate" ], "changeableValues": { "mode": "On" } }, "temperatureMode": { "air": true }, "specialMode": { "autoChangeoverActive": false, "emergencyHeatActive": false } }, "deviceClass": "Thermostat", "deviceType": "Thermostat", "deviceID": "LCC-00D02DAB5CBE", "userDefinedDeviceName": "TSeries", "name": "TSeries", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "00D02DAB5CBE", "deviceSettings": {}, "units": "Fahrenheit", "indoorTemperature": 73, "outdoorTemperature": 46, "allowedModes": [ "EmergencyHeat", "Heat", "Off", "Cool", "Auto" ], "deadband": 0, "hasDualSetpointStatus": false, "minHeatSetpoint": 50, "maxHeatSetpoint": 90, "minCoolSetpoint": 50, "maxCoolSetpoint": 90, "changeableValues": { "mode": "Heat", "autoChangeoverActive": false, "emergencyHeatActive": false, "heatSetpoint": 62, "coolSetpoint": 85, "thermostatSetpointStatus": "NoHold", "nextPeriodTime": "18:00:00", "endHeatSetpoint": 62, "endCoolSetpoint": 85, "heatCoolMode": "Heat" }, "operationStatus": { "mode": "EquipmentOff", "fanRequest": false, "circulationFanRequest": false } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition displayedOutdoorHumidity Integer Outdoor humidity reading (from weather data), should be treated as percentage vacationHold Object   vacationHold.enabled Boolean Is vacation hold enabled? scheduleCapabilities Object   scheduleCapabilities.availableScheduleTypes Array List of available schedule types scheduleCapabilities.schedulableFan Boolean Is the fan mode scheduleable? scheduleType Object   scheduleType.scheduleType String Current schedule type scheduleType.scheduleSubType String Current schedule sub-type scheduleStatus String Current status of schedule allowedTimeIncrements Integer Allowed time increments of the timed schedule (in minutes) settings Object   settings.hardwareSettings Object   settings.hardwareSettings.brightness Integer Current brightness setting settings.hardwareSettings.maxBrightness Integer Maximum brightness setting Object Array Array of allowed fan modes Object List of writeable fan settings settings.temperatureMode Object   settings.temperatureMode.air Boolean   settings.specialMode Object   settings.specialMode.autoChangeoverActive Boolean Will exist if device has this mode enabled, true or false based on running in that mode settings.specialMode.emergencyHeatActive Boolean Will exist if device has this mode enabled, true or false based on running in that mode deviceClass String Class of device deviceType String Type of device deviceID String Unique ID of device. "LCC-" == T-Series, "TCC-" == Honeywell Home Round userDefinedDeviceName String User defined name of the device. Shown in the mobile app. name String Device name isAlive Boolean true == device online. false == device offline isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly or not macID String Unique MACID of the device deviceSettings Object   units String Units used on device (Celsius or Fahrenheit) indoorTemperature Integer or Float Current display temperature on device. Whole numbers for F units or .5 increments for C units. outdoorTemperature Integer or Float Current outdoor temperature based on location data. allowedModes Array List of allowed modes for the device, also be sure to doublecheck settings.specialMode for Round. deadband Integer Required separation between high and low setpoints. Default for Thermostats is 0. hasDualSetpointStatus Boolean Indicates whether the thermostat maintains separate heat and cool setpoint status value. minHeatSetpoint Integer or Float The lower limit for the heating setpoint (e.g., thermostat won't let you decrease heat setpoint below this value.) Configurable locally; not changeable remotely. maxHeatSetpoint Integer or Float The upper limit for the heating setpoint (e.g., thermostat won't let you increase heat setpoint above this value.) Configurable locally; not changeable remotely. minCoolSetpoint Integer or Float The lower limit for the cooling setpoint (e.g., thermostat won't let you decrease cool setpoint below this value.) Configurable locally; not changeable remotely. maxCoolSetpoint Integer or Float The upper limit for the cooling setpoint (e.g., thermostat won't let you increase cool setpoint above this value.) Configurable locally; not changeable remotely. changeableValues.mode String Current mode of the thermostat. changeableValues.autoChangeoverActive Boolean If field is set in the response then the thermostat supports autochangeover to be controlled independent of mode. If field is not set in the response then the thermostat does not support autochangeover. changeableValues.emergencyHeatActive Boolean Indicates if emergency heating is active. When this field is returned (it is nullable and does not have to be in the response) - it means that the device handles emergency heating independently of the mode. When this field is returned (it is nullable and does not have to be in the response) - device will not accept EmergencyHeat as an allowed value. When emergency heating is active you cannot set thermostat's mode to other value than Off and you cannot change autochangeover. changeableValues.heatSetpoint Decimal Current heating setpoint. changeableValues.coolSetpoint Decimal Current cooling setpoint. changeableValues.thermostatSetpointStatus String Signifies current setpoint state. TemporaryHold, HoldUntil, PermanentHold, VacationHold, NoHold changeableValues.holdUntil timeSpan Time in 15 minutes intervals (the maximum value is 92 = 11:45 PM), meaning depends on other properties. changeableValues.nextPeriodTime timeSpan Indicates when next schedule period starts changeableValues.endHeatSetpoint Decimal The heating setpoint that would occur if the current hold ended now. If there is no hold, or if the thermostat cannot control heating, then this value is not present. changeableValues.endCoolSetpoint Decimal The cooling setpoint that would occur if the current hold ended now. If there is no hold, or if the thermostat cannot control cooling, then this value is not present. changeableValues.heatCoolMode String Heat cool mode when system switch is in Auto mode. operationStatus Object Details around operation status of the equipment. operationStatus.mode String Current running (relay status) of the equipment. operationStatus.fanRequest Boolean Current running (relay status) of the fan. operationStatus.circulationFanRequest Boolean Current running (relay status) of the fan circulate mode. smartAway Object Settings that will take effect when nobody is home (via Geofencing). Null when reported means smart away is not available. indoorHumidity Decimal Indoor humidity rating as a percentage indoorHumidityStatus String Status of humidity sensor. Measured, NotAvailable, or SensorFault.


Change fan setting for device{deviceId}/fan

Change the current Fan setting for specified DeviceID. Example: { "mode": "On" } 


Get current fan settings{deviceId}/fan

Get current fan settings for specified DeviceID Response Model ExampleData Definitions { "allowedModes": [ "Auto", "Auto", "Auto" ], "changeableValues": { "mode": "Auto" }, "fanRunning": true } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition allowedModes Array Shows allowed modes for fan: On, Auto, Circulate changeableValues Object Values you can change changeableValues.mode String Current setting for fan mode fanRunning Boolean Current fan state


Change Thermostat Settings{deviceId}

Change the setpoint, system mode, and auto changeover status of a thermostat. Take care to track current consumer setting for AutoChangeover so it's not disabled or enabled unintentionally. Homeywell Home T-Series devices also have the capability of a 7-day schedule as well as geofencing. When sending a setpoint change request you have a few options: "NoHold" - This will set the device to run the current schedule "TemporaryHold" - No "nextPeriodTime" is required, the thermostat will hold the temperature until the next schedule period change. "PermanentHold" - This will hold the setpoint until the next consumer interation. "HoldUntil" - Requires a "nextPeriodTime" value, the thermostat will hold the requested setpoint(s) until that time.   Example for TCC device: { "mode": "Cool", "autoChangeoverActive": true, "heatSetpoint": 72, "coolSetpoint": 74 } Example for LCC device: { "mode": "Heat", "heatSetpoint": 62, "coolSetpoint": 80, "thermostatSetpointStatus": "TemporaryHold" }   Data Definitions Field Name/Location Data Type Definition Mode String Mode to set to, must match available modes. Heat, Cool, Off AutoChangeoverActive Boolean If field is set in the response then the thermostat supports autochangeover to be controlled independent of mode. If field is not set in the response then the thermostat does not support autochangeover to be controlled independent of mode and you must look into AllowedModes to see it the thermostat supports at least autochangeover controllable by mode. EmergencyHeatActive Boolean Indicates if emergency heating is active. Do not send if Emergency Heat is false. HeatSetpoint Decimal New value for heat setpoint. Whole numbers for F and half increments for C units. CoolSetpoint Decimal New value for cool setpoint. Whole numbers for F and half increments for C units. thermostatSetpointStatus String For "LCC-" devices only. "NoHold" will return to schedule. "TemporaryHold" will hold the set temperature until "nextPeriodTime". "PermanentHold" will hold the setpoint until user requests another change. nextPeriodTime String For "LCC-" devices only. Format must be in "hh:mm:ss" in 15 minute increments. Example: "18:00:00"

Shutoff Valve



Open or Close Valve{deviceId}/control

Open or close an L5 valve manually Homeywell Home T-Series devices also have the capability of a 7-day schedule as well as geofencing. When sending a setpoint change request you have a few options:   Request body example: { "state": "open" }   Data Definitions Field Name/Location Data Type Definition state String "open" or "close"


Get Shutoff Valve{deviceId}

Get data for a specific shutoff valve Response Model Example Data Definitions { "name": "Basement", "deviceMac": "48A2E691D4DA", "deviceID": "4579041", "deviceClass": "ShutoffValve", "dataSyncInfo": { "state": "Completed", "transactionId": "qPQBUIxArASeqs3Z" }, "deviceRegistrationDate": "2022-10-19T16:39:37.997", "isAlive": true, "lastCheckin": "2022-12-13T20:17:09.559+00:00", "actuatorValve": { "commandSource": "app", "runningTime": 7619, "valveStatus": "Close", "motorCycles": 14, "motorCurrentAverage": 91, "motorCurrentMax": 0, "deviceTemperature": 86.6, "lastAntiScaleTime": "2022-12-01T07:00:00.000+00:00", "leakStatus": "Na", "timeValveChanged": "2022-12-13T20:17:09.559+00:00" }, "daylightSavingsInfo": { "isDaylightSaving": false, "nextOffsetChange": "2023-03-12T08:00:00.000+00:00" }, "maintenance": { "antiScaleSettings": "OncePerMonth", "antiScaleDOWSettings": "Sunday", "antiScaleDOMSettings": 1, "antiScaleTimeSettings": "07:00" } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition name String Device name deviceMac String Device MACID deviceID String DeviceID deviceClass String "ShutoffValve" dataSyncInfo Object   dataSyncInfo.state Enum NotStarted, Initiated, Completed, Failed dataSyncInfo.transactionId String Internal reference ID for the DataSync operation deviceRegistrationDate DateTime Timestamp of the device registration isAlive Boolean Is the device online or offline lastCheckin DateTime Last time data received from device actuatorValve Object Values specific to the valve operation actuatorValve.commandSource Enum Reason for last valve open/close. Possible values: app, wldFreeze, wldLeak, manual, buildInLeak, maintenance actuatorValve.runningTime Integer Operation time actuatorValve.valveStatus Enum Current known valve state. Possible Values: unknown, open, close, notOpen, notClose, opening, closing, antiScaleOpening, antiScaleClosing actuatorValve.motorCycles Integer Count of motor operations actuatorValve.motorCurrentAverage Integer   actuatorValve.motorCurrentMax Integer   actuatorValve.deviceTemperature Decimal Current temperature of device in Fahrenheit units actuatorValve.lastAntiScaleTime DateTime Last time of anti-scale operation actuatorValve.leakStatus Enum Current state of leak detection. Possible Values: ok, leak, na, err actuatorValve.timeValveChanged DateTime Time of last valve change daylightSavingsInfo Object Daylight savings time config info daylightSavingsInfo.isDaylightSaving Boolean If device is currently using DST or not daylightSavingsInfo.nextOffsetChange DateTime Next scheduled DST changeover maintenance Object Maintenance settings maintenance.antiScaleSettings Enum Current anti-scale cycle: OncePerWeek, OncePerTwoWeeks, OncePerMonth, OncePerTwoMonths, Disabled maintenance.antiScaleDOWSettings Enum If weekly anti-scale is enabled, day of the week used: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday maintenance.antiScaleDOMSettings Int If monthly anti-scale is used, day of the month. maintenance.antiScaleDOMSettings String Time for anti-scale in 24 hrs format __PRESENT




Set DHW System Switch{deviceId}/systemSwitch

Change the system switch of the hot water system. "Off" will set the system to "Always Off" and it will not follow schedule. "Heat" will set the system to "Always On" and it will not follow schedule. To resume schedule after turning on the system switch, send a "off" command to /state. Example Off: { "systemSwitch": "Off" } Example On: { "systemSwitch": "Heat" }


Set DHW operation & boost state{deviceId}/state

Change the on/off state of DHW and boost time. Allowed boost times are 30, 60, 90 minutes. Example Off: { "dhwState": "Off", "boostTime": 0 } Example On with Boost for 30 minutes: { "dhwState": "One", "boostTime": 30 }


Set DHW Schedule{deviceId}/schedule

Set Hot Water schedule for a specific device. Request Body Example: { "deviceId": "00D02DE7ED4E", "timedSchedule": { "days": [ { "day": "Monday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "08:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Tuesday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:30:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "09:00:00", "dhwState": "Off" }, { "startTime": "17:30:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "19:00:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Wednesday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Thursday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Friday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Saturday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Sunday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] } ] } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition


Get DHW Schedule{deviceId}/schedule

Get current Hot Water schedule for a specific device. Response Model Example Data Definitions { "deviceId": "00D02DE7ED4E", "timedSchedule": { "days": [ { "day": "Monday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "08:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Tuesday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:30:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "09:00:00", "dhwState": "Off" }, { "startTime": "17:30:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "19:00:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Wednesday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Thursday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Friday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Saturday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] }, { "day": "Sunday", "periods": [ { "startTime": "06:00:00", "dhwState": "On" }, { "startTime": "11:50:00", "dhwState": "Off" } ] } ] } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition

Smart Home Security



Change Z-Wave Switch/Outlet{deviceId}/switches/{switchId}/state

Change the state of a z-wave switch or outlet. Switch ID can be found in the GET /locations resource. Example Off: { "state": "Off" } Example On: { "state": "On" } Example Brightness: { "value": 80 }


Get Activity Log{deviceId}/ActivityLogs

Get the activity log for a Smart Home Security Base Station. Response Model Example Data Definitions { "activityLogData": [ { "index": 3, "id": 2434614, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-06T15:57:57.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "MotionDetected", "eventSubType": "MotionStarted", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "Living Room", "subDeviceClass": "Camera", "subDeviceType": "BuiltIn", "userName": "", "clipId": "a079d8e5-ebe9-4b64-ab7d-cfdf056aff85", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 4, "id": 2434577, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-06T15:57:56.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 5, "id": 2434565, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-06T15:57:37.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "ArmAway", "systemMode": "ArmAway", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 6, "id": 2369875, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-03T20:23:32.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 7, "id": 2368107, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-03T18:58:00.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 8, "id": 2365981, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-03T17:13:53.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 9, "id": 2365979, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-03T17:13:45.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "ArmAway", "systemMode": "ArmAway", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 10, "id": 2345780, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T19:48:46.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 11, "id": 2345775, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T19:48:24.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 12, "id": 2344878, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T18:56:34.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "MotionDetected", "eventSubType": "MotionStarted", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "Living Room", "subDeviceClass": "Camera", "subDeviceType": "BuiltIn", "userName": "", "clipId": "00e7fdf4-e8c0-4b95-b108-166704eb1604", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 13, "id": 2344843, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T18:56:32.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 14, "id": 2344596, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T18:43:34.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 15, "id": 2343251, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:25:59.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 16, "id": 2343130, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:20:17.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemAcLossClear", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 17, "id": 2343129, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:20:16.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 18, "id": 2343128, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:20:12.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 19, "id": 2343120, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:20:00.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 20, "id": 2343116, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:19:55.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 21, "id": 2343112, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:19:51.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 22, "id": 2343111, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:19:46.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 23, "id": 2343108, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:19:42.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 24, "id": 2343105, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:19:37.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 25, "id": 2343100, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:19:33.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemTamper", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 26, "id": 2343099, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:19:33.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "System", "eventSubType": "SystemAcLoss", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 27, "id": 2343028, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:16:35.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", 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2343042, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:15:04.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "MotionDetected", "eventSubType": "MotionStarted", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "Living Room", "subDeviceClass": "Camera", "subDeviceType": "BuiltIn", "userName": "", "clipId": "50a72fa9-2109-417a-9b31-47a9bbe85cf1", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 31, "id": 2342997, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:15:01.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 32, "id": 2342989, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:14:46.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 33, "id": 2342988, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:14:30.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 34, "id": 2342971, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:13:30.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 35, "id": 2342964, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:13:03.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 36, "id": 2342963, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:13:00.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "ArmAway", "systemMode": "ArmAway", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 37, "id": 2342998, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:12:59.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "MotionDetected", "eventSubType": "MotionStarted", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "Living Room", "subDeviceClass": "Camera", "subDeviceType": "BuiltIn", "userName": "", "clipId": "5ae3e904-127f-4bb4-af31-e3aba843f3bf", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 38, "id": 2342903, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:09:51.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 39, "id": 2342939, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:09:49.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "MotionDetected", "eventSubType": "MotionStarted", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "Living Room", "subDeviceClass": "Camera", "subDeviceType": "BuiltIn", "userName": "", "clipId": "d252a217-6df9-4f76-bf90-5d85a2c4375e", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 40, "id": 2342929, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:09:49.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "Device", "eventType": "MotionDetected", "eventSubType": "MotionStarted", "systemMode": "Unknown", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "Living Room", "subDeviceClass": "Camera", "subDeviceType": "BuiltIn", "userName": "", "clipId": "02d07880-44fc-4b06-908d-01091dffcbef", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 41, "id": 2342859, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:07:35.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 42, "id": 2342857, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:07:32.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "VoiceCommand", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "ArmAway", "systemMode": "ArmAway", "message": { "locationName": "", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 0 }, { "index": 43, "id": 2342851, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:07:16.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 44, "id": 2342709, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:00:17.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 45, "id": 2342704, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T17:00:08.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "ArmStay", "systemMode": "ArmStay", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 46, "id": 2342657, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T16:58:00.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "ArmStay", "systemMode": "ArmStay", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 47, "id": 2342654, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T16:57:34.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 48, "id": 2342647, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T16:57:18.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "ArmStay", "systemMode": "ArmStay", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 49, "id": 2342599, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T16:54:50.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "Disarm", "systemMode": "Disarm", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 }, { "index": 50, "id": 2342589, "tenantId": 1, "corId": "", "eventDateTime": "2018-08-02T16:54:28.0000000Z", "eventTrigger": "App", "eventType": "Partition", "eventSubType": "ArmStay", "systemMode": "ArmStay", "message": { "locationName": "Home", "deviceName": "Security", "subDeviceName": "", "subDeviceClass": "", "subDeviceType": "", "userName": "hw", "clipId": "", "rpn": "", "unknownPersonCount": 0, "refId": "" }, "userId": 625115 } ], "totalLogs": 50 } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition activityLogData Array Array of Activity Log objects (one for each activity) index Number Index number of the activity id Number Identifier of the activity tenantId Integer corId String eventDateTime DateTime Date and time of the activity eventTrigger String Where the event was triggered from eventType String Type of event eventSubType String Sub type of event systemMode String message Object Details of the activity (usually defines sub source, like camera or sensor. message.locationName String message.deviceName String Name of device (usually the base station) message.subDeviceName String Name of the sub device (e.g., Camera, sensor name) message.subDeviceClass String Type of sub device message.subDeviceType String Device type (e.g., BuiltIn) userId Number UserId who made the change (if it was executed by a user)


Arm or Disarm the System{deviceId}/partitions/{partitionId}/{arm}

Change the arm/disarm state for a requested device within a location. Change the string on the end of the URI ("Arm" for arming, "Disarm" for disarming) Valid Arm types: "ArmAway" - Also "Away" in the app "ArmStay" - Also "Night" in the app Valid Disarm types: "True" - Also "Off" in the app "False" - Also "Home" in the app Example Arm: { "armType": "ArmAway" } Example Disarm: { "EnableSilentMode": "false" }




Change Camera Config{deviceId}/config

Change the configuration of a specific camera within a location. Note: The entire configuration must be sent each time, even with unchanged values! Request Example Data Definitions { "version": "1.0", "deviceId": "07182FC1FC35D69780DEE2E889E15BEBC1814624F260B04759827DBBD6E2EB6A", "audioDetection": "off", "audioSensitivity": 66, "micStatus": "on", "speakerStatus": "on", "motionDetection": "on", "motionArea": [ { "startX": 0, "startY": 0, "width": 599, "height": 311, "sensitivity": 99 }, { "startX": 45, "startY": 485, "width": 206, "height": 214, "sensitivity": 33 } ], "nightMode": "auto", "ledStatus": "on", "aheadRecording": 5, "storagePlan": "day", "motionZone": "rectangle", "privacyMode": "off", "geoFence": "off" } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition version String Version of the sensor deviceId String deviceId of the sensor audioDetection String Audio detection on/off audioSenstivity Integer Current audio sensitivity setting: 0-100 micStatus String Microphone on/off speakerStatus String Speaker on/off motionDetection String Motion detection on/off motionArea Array Array defining all motion detection areas motionArea.startX Integer Starting X resoultion position of the area motionArea.startY Integer Starting Y resolution position of the area motionArea.width Integer Width of the detection area motionArea.height Integer Height of the detection area motionArea.sensitivity Integer Sensitivity level of motion detection for the area. The higher the value the greater sensitivity. (0, 33, 66, 99) nightMode String Night vision mode ledStatus String State of the front LED aheadRecording Integer   storagePlan String Video clip storage plan motionZone String Shape of the motion detection zone privacyMode String Privacy mode state geoFence String Geofencing state. Typically this results in camera being OFF when home and ON when away.


Get Camera Configuration{deviceId}/config

Get configuration information for a specific camera assigned to a location. Response Model Example Data Definitions { "version": "1.0", "deviceId": "07182FC1FC35D69780DEE2E889E15BEBC1814624F260B04759827DBBD6E2EB6A", "audioDetection": "off", "audioSensitivity": 66, "micStatus": "on", "speakerStatus": "on", "motionDetection": "on", "motionArea": [ { "startX": 0, "startY": 0, "width": 599, "height": 311, "sensitivity": 99 }, { "startX": 45, "startY": 485, "width": 206, "height": 214, "sensitivity": 33 } ], "nightMode": "auto", "ledStatus": "on", "aheadRecording": 5, "storagePlan": "day", "motionZone": "rectangle", "privacyMode": "off", "geoFence": "off" } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition version String Version of the sensor deviceId String deviceId of the sensor audioDetection String Audio detection on/off audioSenstivity Integer Current audio sensitivity setting: 0-100 micStatus String Microphone on/off speakerStatus String Speaker on/off motionDetection String Motion detection on/off motionArea Array Array defining all motion detection areas motionArea.startX Integer Starting X resoultion position of the area motionArea.startY Integer Starting Y resolution position of the area motionArea.width Integer Width of the detection area motionArea.height Integer Height of the detection area motionArea.sensitivity Integer Sensitivity level of motion detection for the area. The higher the value the greater sensitivity. (0, 33, 66, 99) nightMode String Night vision mode ledStatus String State of the front LED aheadRecording Integer   storagePlan String Video clip storage plan motionZone String Shape of the motion detection zone privacyMode String Privacy mode state geoFence String Geofencing state. Typically this results in camera being OFF when home and ON when away.


Get a Specific Camera in a Location{deviceId}

Get information for a specific camera assigned to a particular location. Response Model Example Data Definitions { "model": "C1", "serial": "1709ZA30611", "maxResolution": "1280x720", "firmwareVer": "v0.97_20170506", "deviceClass": "Camera", "deviceType": "C1", "deviceID": "41654c77-a233-4c31-ac4b-464bb62c01cb", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Camera", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "74DA38C04032" } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition model String Model of the camera serial String Serial Number of the camera maxResolution String Max recording/display resolution of the camera (e.g., "1280x720") firmwareVer String Current running firmware version deviceClass String Class of the device (e.g., "Camera", "Thermostat") deviceType String Type of the device deviceID String Unique ID of the device userDefinedDeviceName String User defined name of the device isAlive Boolean Online/offline state of the camera. True = Online. isUpgrading Boolean Is the camera currently upgrading firmware true/false isProvisioned Boolean Is the camera currently provisioned correctly true/false macID String MacID of the device


Get cameras for a Location

Get information for all cameras assigned to a particular location. Response Model Example Data Definitions [ { "model": "C1", "serial": "1709ZA30611", "maxResolution": "1280x720", "firmwareVer": "v0.97_20170506", "deviceClass": "Camera", "deviceType": "C1", "deviceID": "41654c77-a233-4c31-ac4b-464bb62c01cb", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Camera", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "74DA38C04032" } ] Field Name/Location Data Type Definition model String Model of the camera serial String Serial Number of the camera maxResolution String Max recording/display resolution of the camera (e.g., "1280x720") firmwareVer String Current running firmware version deviceClass String Class of the device (e.g., "Camera", "Thermostat") deviceType String Type of the device deviceID String Unique ID of the device userDefinedDeviceName String User defined name of the device isAlive Boolean Online/offline state of the camera. True = Online. isUpgrading Boolean Is the camera currently upgrading firmware true/false isProvisioned Boolean Is the camera currently provisioned correctly true/false macID String MacID of the device


Get Notifications for a Camera{deviceId}/notifications

Get notifications for a specific camera assigned to a location. The resource will return the last 20 notifications. Possible notification types: "Camera","DeviceOffline","STATUSCHANGE", "SOUNDDETECTED","MOTIONDETECTED","SecurityEvents","Alarms","StatusChange", "Trouble","Alert","AutomationEvents","Alarms","StatusChange","Trouble","Alert", "DEVICEACTIVATED","DEVICEDEACTIVATED","FIRMWAREUPDATE","CLIPREADY" Response Model Example Data Definitions [ { "group": "FIRMWAREUPDATE", "id": 29588583, "deviceName": "Camera", "status": "UnRead", "shortDescription": "Your Camera at Home is now upgraded to Firmware version v0.97_20170506", "dateTime": 1494267927, "startTime": 0, "expiryTime": 0, "title": "Your Camera at Home is now upgraded to Firmware version v0.97_20170506", "description": "Your Camera at Home is now upgraded to Firmware version v0.97_20170506", "locationID": 75499, "deviceId": "41654c77-a233-4c31-ac4b-464bb62c01cb" }, { "group": "STATUSCHANGE", "id": 28756435, "deviceName": "Camera", "status": "UnRead", "shortDescription": "Your Camera at Home is Available", "dateTime": 1493762887, "startTime": 0, "expiryTime": 0, "title": "Your Camera at Home is Available", "description": "Your Camera at Home is Available", "locationID": 75499, "deviceId": "41654c77-a233-4c31-ac4b-464bb62c01cb" }, { "group": "DEVICEACTIVATED", "id": 28756434, "deviceName": "Camera", "status": "UnRead", "shortDescription": "Camera activation has been Succeeded in Home", "dateTime": 1493762887, "startTime": 0, "expiryTime": 0, "title": "Camera activation has been Succeeded in Home", "description": "Camera activation has been Succeeded in Home", "locationID": 75499, "deviceId": "41654c77-a233-4c31-ac4b-464bb62c01cb" } ] Field Name/Location Data Type Definition group String Type of notification id Integer ID of the notification deviceName String Name of the device in the notification status String Status of the notification shortDescription String Short description of the notification content dateTime Timestamp Unix epoch of the notification time startTime     expiryTime     title String Title of the notification description String Description of the notification locationID Integer ID of the location the notification belongs to deviceId String Unique deviceId the notification is referencing



Water Leak Detector



Get a Specific Device by ID{deviceType}/{deviceId}

Use this method to get a specific device by type, ID and locationId. Valid device types for URI: "thermostats", "waterLeakDetectors", and "cameras" Responses will differ based on specific device, equipment setup, and model type. Response Model for ThermostatResponse Model for Water Leak DetectorResponse Model for Camera Data Definitions for ThermostatData Definitions for Water Leak DetectorData Definitions for Camera { "displayedOutdoorHumidity": 67, "vacationHold": { "enabled": false }, "currentSchedulePeriod": { "day": "Thursday", "period": "Away" }, "scheduleCapabilities": { "availableScheduleTypes": [ "None", "Geofenced", "TimedNorthAmerica" ], "schedulableFan": false }, "scheduleType": { "scheduleType": "Timed", "scheduleSubType": "NA" }, "scheduleStatus": "Resume", "allowedTimeIncrements": 15, "settings": { "hardwareSettings": { "brightness": 0, "maxBrightness": 5 }, "fan": { "allowedModes": [ "On", "Auto", "Circulate" ], "changeableValues": { "mode": "On" } }, "temperatureMode": { "air": true }, "specialMode": { "autoChangeoverActive": false, "emergencyHeatActive": false } }, "deviceClass": "Thermostat", "deviceType": "Thermostat", "deviceID": "LCC-00D02DAB5CBE", "userDefinedDeviceName": "TSeries", "name": "TSeries", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "00D02DAB5CBE", "deviceSettings": {}, "units": "Fahrenheit", "indoorTemperature": 73, "outdoorTemperature": 46, "allowedModes": [ "EmergencyHeat", "Heat", "Off", "Cool", "Auto" ], "deadband": 0, "hasDualSetpointStatus": false, "minHeatSetpoint": 50, "maxHeatSetpoint": 90, "minCoolSetpoint": 50, "maxCoolSetpoint": 90, "changeableValues": { "mode": "Heat", "autoChangeoverActive": false, "emergencyHeatActive": false, "heatSetpoint": 62, "coolSetpoint": 85, "thermostatSetpointStatus": "NoHold", "nextPeriodTime": "18:00:00", "endHeatSetpoint": 62, "endCoolSetpoint": 85, "heatCoolMode": "Heat" }, "operationStatus": { "mode": "EquipmentOff", "fanRequest": false, "circulationFanRequest": false } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition displayedOutdoorHumidity Integer Outdoor humidity reading (from weather data), should be treated as percentage vacationHold Object   vacationHold.enabled Boolean Is vacation hold enabled? scheduleCapabilities Object   scheduleCapabilities.availableScheduleTypes Array List of available schedule types scheduleCapabilities.schedulableFan Boolean Is the fan mode scheduleable? scheduleType Object   scheduleType.scheduleType String Current schedule type scheduleType.scheduleSubType String Current schedule sub-type scheduleStatus String Current status of schedule allowedTimeIncrements Integer Allowed time increments of the timed schedule (in minutes) settings Object   settings.hardwareSettings Object   settings.hardwareSettings.brightness Integer Current brightness setting settings.hardwareSettings.maxBrightness Integer Maximum brightness setting Object Array Array of allowed fan modes Object List of writeable fan settings settings.temperatureMode Object   settings.temperatureMode.air Boolean   settings.specialMode Object   settings.specialMode.autoChangeoverActive Boolean Will exist if device has this mode enabled, true or false based on running in that mode settings.specialMode.emergencyHeatActive Boolean Will exist if device has this mode enabled, true or false based on running in that mode deviceClass String Class of device deviceType String Type of device deviceID String Unique ID of device. "LCC-" == T-Series, "TCC-" == Round userDefinedDeviceName String User defined name of the device. Shown in the mobile app. name String Device name isAlive Boolean true == device online. false == device offline isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly or not macID String Unique MACID of the device deviceSettings Object   units String Units used on device (Celsius or Fahrenheit) indoorTemperature Integer or Float Current display temperature on device. Whole numbers for F units or .5 increments for C units. outdoorTemperature Integer or Float Current outdoor temperature based on location data. allowedModes Array List of allowed modes for the device, also be sure to doublecheck settings.specialMode for Round. deadband Integer Required separation between high and low setpoints. Default for Thermostats is 0. hasDualSetpointStatus Boolean Indicates whether the thermostat maintains separate heat and cool setpoint status value. minHeatSetpoint Integer or Float The lower limit for the heating setpoint. maxHeatSetpoint Integer or Float The upper limit for the heating setpoint. minCoolSetpoint Integer or Float The lower limit for the heating setpoint. maxCoolSetpoint Integer or Float The upper limit for the heating setpoint. changeableValues.mode String Current mode of the thermostat. changeableValues.autoChangeoverActive Boolean If field is set in the response then the thermostat supports autochangeover to be controlled independent of mode. If field is not set in the response then the thermostat does not support autochangeover. changeableValues.emergencyHeatActive Boolean Indicates if emergency heating is active. When this field is returned (it is nullable and does not have to be in the response) - it means that the device handles emergency heating independently of the mode. When this field is returned (it is nullable and does not have to be in the response) - device will not accept EmergencyHeat as an allowed value. When emergency heating is active you cannot set thermostat's mode to other value than Off and you cannot change autochangeover. changeableValues.heatSetpoint Decimal Current heating setpoint. changeableValues.coolSetpoint Decimal Current cooling setpoint. changeableValues.thermostatSetpointStatus String Signifies current setpoint state. TemporaryHold, HoldUntil, PermanentHold, VacationHold, NoHold changeableValues.holdUntil timeSpan Time in 15 minutes intervals (the maximum value is 92 = 11:45 PM), meaning depends on other properties. changeableValues.nextPeriodTime timeSpan Indicates when next schedule period starts changeableValues.endHeatSetpoint Decimal The heating setpoint that would occur if the current hold ended now. If there is no hold, or if the thermostat cannot control heating, then this value is not present. changeableValues.endCoolSetpoint Decimal The cooling setpoint that would occur if the current hold ended now. If there is no hold, or if the thermostat cannot control cooling, then this value is not present. changeableValues.heatCoolMode String Heat cool mode when system switch is in Auto mode. operationStatus Object Details around operation status of the equipment. operationStatus.mode String Current running (relay status) of the equipment. operationStatus.fanRequest Boolean Current running (relay status) of the fan. operationStatus.circulationFanRequest Boolean Current running (relay status) of the fan circulate mode. smartAway Object Settings that will take effect when nobody is home (via Geofencing). Null when reported means smart away is not available. indoorHumidity Decimal Indoor humidity rating as a percentage, currently only on Round thermostats indoorHumidityStatus String Status of humidity sensor. Measured, NotAvailable, or SensorFault. { "firmwareVer": "0.5.16A4", "waterPresent": false, "currentSensorReadings": { "time": "2017-10-19T08:27:42", "temperature": 20.39, "humidity": 44.8 }, "currentAlarms": [], "lastCheckin": "2017-10-19T08:27:44", "lastDeviceSettingUpdatedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "batteryRemaining": 43, "isRegistered": true, "hasDeviceCheckedIn": true, "isDeviceOffline": false, "firstFailedAttemptTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "failedConnectionAttempts": 0, "wifiSignalStrength": -46, "isFirmwareUpdateRequired": false, "time": "2017-10-19T08:27:42", "deviceClass": "LeakDetector", "deviceType": "Water Leak Detector", "deviceID": "31aae686-6b4a-476e-8cbc-da4a1cab2cd5", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Basement", "backend": { "id": "31aae686-6b4a-476e-8cbc-da4a1cab2cd5" }, "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "deviceSettings": { "temp": { "high": { "limit": 36.5 }, "low": { "limit": 6.5 } }, "humidity": { "high": { "limit": 70 }, "low": { "limit": 20 } }, "userDefinedName": "Basement", "buzzerMuted": false, "checkinPeriod": 8, "currentSensorReadPeriod": 60 } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition firmwareVer String Current firmware version waterPresent Boolean True if water has been detected currentSensorReadings Object   currentSensorReadings.time DateTime Timestamp of last reading currentSensorReadings.temperature Decimal Last read temperature, always in C units currentSensorReadings.humidity Percentage Last read humidity, always a percentage currentAlarms Object Array Array of objects for current alerts lastCheckin DateTime Timestamp of last check-in lastDeviceSettingUpdatedOn DateTime Date and time stamp of the last device setting change request batteryRemaining Integer Battery life remaining as a percentage isRegistered Boolean True/false if the device is registered hasDeviceCheckedIn Boolean True/false if the device has checked-in to Resideo servers. isDeviceOffline Boolean True/false if the device is offline. firstFailedAttemptTime DateTime failedConnectionAttempts Integer wifiSignalStrength Integer WiFi signal strength in db isFirmwareUpdateRequired Boolean Does the device require a firmware update time DateTime deviceClass String Class of the device. "LeakDetector" for Water Leak Detector. deviceType String Type of the device. "Water Leak Detector" for Water Leak Detector devices. deviceID String Unique device ID userDefinedDeviceName String User defined device name, what is shown in the Honeywell Home App backend Object String Backend device ID isAlive Boolean Is the device online or not. isUpgrading Boolean Is the device currently running a firmware update? isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly? deviceSettings.temp Object Temperature limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.temp.high Object   deviceSettings.temp.high.limit Decimal The device reading this temp will cause a high temperature alert. Always in C units. deviceSettings.temp.low Object   deviceSettings.temp.low.limit Decimal The device reading this temp will cause a low temperature alert. Always in C units. deviceSettings.humidity Object Temperature limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.humidity.high Object   deviceSettings.humidity.high.limit Percentage The device reading this humidity will cause a high humidity alert. deviceSettings.humidity.low Object   deviceSettings.humidity.low.limit Percentage The device reading this humidity will cause a low humidity alert. deviceSettings.humidity Object Humidity limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.userDefinedName String User defined device name deviceSettings.buzzerMuted Boolean Buzzer muted true/false deviceSettings.checkinPeriod Integer User set device check-in/reporting period for periodic readings deviceSettings.currentSensorReadPeriod Integer Sensor reading period { "model": "C2", "manufacturer": "Edimax", "serial": "1726ZA300023", "maxResolution": "1920x1080", "firmwareVer": "v1.26_20171017", "wifiStrength": "54", "deviceClass": "Camera", "deviceType": "C2", "deviceID": "c7a4c930-ef20-48ee-b8a4-74e4b4152ef8", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Camera", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "74DA38D20850" } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition model String Camera model manufacturer String Camera manufacturer serial String Camera serial number maxResolution String Max display resoultion of the camera (WxH) firmwareVer String Current firmware version wifiStrength Integer Wifi signal strength deviceClass String Class of device. "Camera" for cameras deviceType String Type of camera (C1, C2, etc) deviceID String Unique Device ID userDefinedDeviceName String User defined device name. Shown in the Honeywell Home App. isAlive Boolean Is the device online or not? isUpgrading Boolean Is the device currently performing a firmware update? isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly? macID Unique MACID of the device


Get all Devices by Type{deviceType}

Use this method to get all devices of a specific type by locationId. Valid device types for URI: "thermostats", "waterLeakDetectors", and "cameras". Actual responses will differ based on specific device, equipment setup, and model type. Response Model for ThermostatResponse Model for Water Leak DetectorResponse Model for Camera Data Definitions for ThermostatData Definitions for Water Leak DetectorData Definitions for Camera { "displayedOutdoorHumidity": 67, "vacationHold": { "enabled": false }, "currentSchedulePeriod": { "day": "Thursday", "period": "Away" }, "scheduleCapabilities": { "availableScheduleTypes": [ "None", "Geofenced", "TimedNorthAmerica" ], "schedulableFan": false }, "scheduleType": { "scheduleType": "Timed", "scheduleSubType": "NA" }, "scheduleStatus": "Resume", "allowedTimeIncrements": 15, "settings": { "hardwareSettings": { "brightness": 0, "maxBrightness": 5 }, "fan": { "allowedModes": [ "On", "Auto", "Circulate" ], "changeableValues": { "mode": "On" } }, "temperatureMode": { "air": true }, "specialMode": { "autoChangeoverActive": false, "emergencyHeatActive": false } }, "deviceClass": "Thermostat", "deviceType": "Thermostat", "deviceID": "LCC-00D02DAB5CBE", "userDefinedDeviceName": "TSeries", "name": "TSeries", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "00D02DAB5CBE", "deviceSettings": {}, "units": "Fahrenheit", "indoorTemperature": 73, "outdoorTemperature": 46, "allowedModes": [ "EmergencyHeat", "Heat", "Off", "Cool", "Auto" ], "deadband": 0, "hasDualSetpointStatus": false, "minHeatSetpoint": 50, "maxHeatSetpoint": 90, "minCoolSetpoint": 50, "maxCoolSetpoint": 90, "changeableValues": { "mode": "Heat", "autoChangeoverActive": false, "emergencyHeatActive": false, "heatSetpoint": 62, "coolSetpoint": 85, "thermostatSetpointStatus": "NoHold", "nextPeriodTime": "18:00:00", "endHeatSetpoint": 62, "endCoolSetpoint": 85, "heatCoolMode": "Heat" }, "operationStatus": { "mode": "EquipmentOff", "fanRequest": false, "circulationFanRequest": false } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition displayedOutdoorHumidity Integer Outdoor humidity reading (from weather data), should be treated as percentage vacationHold Object   vacationHold.enabled Boolean Is vacation hold enabled? scheduleCapabilities Object   scheduleCapabilities.availableScheduleTypes Array List of available schedule types scheduleCapabilities.schedulableFan Boolean Is the fan mode scheduleable? scheduleType Object   scheduleType.scheduleType String Current schedule type scheduleType.scheduleSubType String Current schedule sub-type scheduleStatus String Current status of schedule allowedTimeIncrements Integer Allowed time increments of the timed schedule (in minutes) settings Object   settings.hardwareSettings Object   settings.hardwareSettings.brightness Integer Current brightness setting settings.hardwareSettings.maxBrightness Integer Maximum brightness setting Object Array Array of allowed fan modes Object List of writeable fan settings settings.temperatureMode Object   settings.temperatureMode.air Boolean   settings.specialMode Object   settings.specialMode.autoChangeoverActive Boolean Will exist if device has this mode enabled, true or false based on running in that mode settings.specialMode.emergencyHeatActive Boolean Will exist if device has this mode enabled, true or false based on running in that mode deviceClass String Class of device deviceType String Type of device deviceID String Unique ID of device. "LCC-" == T-Series, "TCC-" == Honeywell Home Round userDefinedDeviceName String User defined name of the device. Shown in the mobile app. name String Device name isAlive Boolean true == device online. false == device offline isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly or not macID String Unique MACID of the device deviceSettings Object   units String Units used on device (Celsius or Fahrenheit) indoorTemperature Integer or Float Current display temperature on device. Whole numbers for F units or .5 increments for C units. outdoorTemperature Integer or Float Current outdoor temperature based on location data. allowedModes Array List of allowed modes for the device, also be sure to doublecheck settings.specialMode for Round. deadband Integer Required separation between high and low setpoints. Default for Thermostats is 0. hasDualSetpointStatus Boolean Indicates whether the thermostat maintains separate heat and cool setpoint status value. minHeatSetpoint Integer or Float The lower limit for the heating setpoint. maxHeatSetpoint Integer or Float The upper limit for the heating setpoint. minCoolSetpoint Integer or Float The lower limit for the heating setpoint. maxCoolSetpoint Integer or Float The upper limit for the heating setpoint. changeableValues.mode String Current mode of the thermostat. changeableValues.autoChangeoverActive Boolean If field is set in the response then the thermostat supports autochangeover to be controlled independent of mode. If field is not set in the response then the thermostat does not support autochangeover. changeableValues.emergencyHeatActive Boolean Indicates if emergency heating is active. When this field is returned (it is nullable and does not have to be in the response) - it means that the device handles emergency heating independently of the mode. When this field is returned (it is nullable and does not have to be in the response) - device will not accept EmergencyHeat as an allowed value. When emergency heating is active you cannot set thermostat's mode to other value than Off and you cannot change autochangeover. changeableValues.heatSetpoint Decimal Current heating setpoint. changeableValues.coolSetpoint Decimal Current cooling setpoint. changeableValues.thermostatSetpointStatus String Signifies current setpoint state. TemporaryHold, HoldUntil, PermanentHold, VacationHold, NoHold changeableValues.holdUntil timeSpan Time in 15 minutes intervals (the maximum value is 92 = 11:45 PM), meaning depends on other properties. changeableValues.nextPeriodTime timeSpan Indicates when next schedule period starts changeableValues.endHeatSetpoint Decimal The heating setpoint that would occur if the current hold ended now. If there is no hold, or if the thermostat cannot control heating, then this value is not present. changeableValues.endCoolSetpoint Decimal The cooling setpoint that would occur if the current hold ended now. If there is no hold, or if the thermostat cannot control cooling, then this value is not present. changeableValues.heatCoolMode String Heat cool mode when system switch is in Auto mode. operationStatus Object Details around operation status of the equipment. operationStatus.mode String Current running (relay status) of the equipment. operationStatus.fanRequest Boolean Current running (relay status) of the fan. operationStatus.circulationFanRequest Boolean Current running (relay status) of the fan circulate mode. smartAway Object Settings that will take effect when nobody is home (via Geofencing). Null when reported means smart away is not available. indoorHumidity Decimal Indoor humidity rating as a percentage, if available indoorHumidityStatus String Status of humidity sensor. Measured, NotAvailable, or SensorFault. { "firmwareVer": "0.5.16A4", "waterPresent": false, "currentSensorReadings": { "time": "2017-10-19T08:27:42", "temperature": 20.39, "humidity": 44.8 }, "currentAlarms": [], "lastCheckin": "2017-10-19T08:27:44", "lastDeviceSettingUpdatedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "batteryRemaining": 43, "isRegistered": true, "hasDeviceCheckedIn": true, "isDeviceOffline": false, "firstFailedAttemptTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "failedConnectionAttempts": 0, "wifiSignalStrength": -46, "isFirmwareUpdateRequired": false, "time": "2017-10-19T08:27:42", "deviceClass": "LeakDetector", "deviceType": "Water Leak Detector", "deviceID": "31aae686-6b4a-476e-8cbc-da4a1cab2cd5", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Basement", "backend": { "id": "31aae686-6b4a-476e-8cbc-da4a1cab2cd5" }, "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "deviceSettings": { "temp": { "high": { "limit": 36.5 }, "low": { "limit": 6.5 } }, "humidity": { "high": { "limit": 70 }, "low": { "limit": 20 } }, "userDefinedName": "Basement", "buzzerMuted": false, "checkinPeriod": 8, "currentSensorReadPeriod": 60 } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition firmwareVer String Current firmware version waterPresent Boolean True if water has been detected currentSensorReadings Object   currentSensorReadings.time DateTime Timestamp of last reading currentSensorReadings.temperature Decimal Last read temperature, always in C units currentSensorReadings.humidity Percentage Last read humidity, always a percentage currentAlarms Object Array Array of objects for current alerts lastCheckin DateTime Timestamp of last check-in lastDeviceSettingUpdatedOn DateTime Date and time stamp of the last device setting change request batteryRemaining Integer Battery life remaining as a percentage isRegistered Boolean True/false if the device is registered hasDeviceCheckedIn Boolean True/false if the device has checked-in to Resideo servers. isDeviceOffline Boolean True/false if the device is offline. firstFailedAttemptTime DateTime failedConnectionAttempts Integer wifiSignalStrength Integer WiFi signal strength in db isFirmwareUpdateRequired Boolean Does the device require a firmware update time DateTime deviceClass String Class of the device. "LeakDetector" for Water Leak Detector. deviceType String Type of the device. "Water Leak Detector" for Water Leak Detector devices. deviceID String Unique device ID userDefinedDeviceName String User defined device name, what is shown in the Honeywell Home App backend Object String Backend device ID isAlive Boolean Is the device online or not. isUpgrading Boolean Is the device currently running a firmware update? isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly? deviceSettings.temp Object Temperature limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.temp.high Object   deviceSettings.temp.high.limit Decimal The device reading this temp will cause a high temperature alert. Always in C units. deviceSettings.temp.low Object   deviceSettings.temp.low.limit Decimal The device reading this temp will cause a low temperature alert. Always in C units. deviceSettings.humidity Object Temperature limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.humidity.high Object   deviceSettings.humidity.high.limit Percentage The device reading this humidity will cause a high humidity alert. deviceSettings.humidity.low Object   deviceSettings.humidity.low.limit Percentage The device reading this humidity will cause a low humidity alert. deviceSettings.humidity Object Humidity limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.userDefinedName String User defined device name deviceSettings.buzzerMuted Boolean Buzzer muted true/false deviceSettings.checkinPeriod Integer User set device check-in/reporting period for periodic readings deviceSettings.currentSensorReadPeriod Integer Sensor reading period { "model": "C2", "manufacturer": "Edimax", "serial": "1726ZA300023", "maxResolution": "1920x1080", "firmwareVer": "v1.26_20171017", "wifiStrength": "54", "deviceClass": "Camera", "deviceType": "C2", "deviceID": "c7a4c930-ef20-48ee-b8a4-74e4b4152ef8", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Camera", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "74DA38D20850" } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition model String Camera model manufacturer String Camera manufacturer serial String Camera serial number maxResolution String Max display resoultion of the camera (WxH) firmwareVer String Current firmware version wifiStrength Integer Wifi signal strength deviceClass String Class of device. "Camera" for cameras deviceType String Type of camera (C1, C2, etc) deviceID String Unique Device ID userDefinedDeviceName String User defined device name. Shown in the Honeywell Home App. isAlive Boolean Is the device online or not? isUpgrading Boolean Is the device currently performing a firmware update? isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly? macID Unique MACID of the device


Get all devices for a location

Return all devices in a particular locationID. Response Model for ThermostatData Definitions for Thermostat Response Model for Water Leak DetectorData Definitions for Water Leak Detector Response Model for CameraData Definitions for Camera Response Model for Smart Home SecurityData Definitions for Smart Home Security { "displayedOutdoorHumidity": 67, "vacationHold": { "enabled": false }, "currentSchedulePeriod": { "day": "Thursday", "period": "Away" }, "scheduleCapabilities": { "availableScheduleTypes": [ "None", "Geofenced", "TimedNorthAmerica" ], "schedulableFan": false }, "scheduleType": { "scheduleType": "Timed", "scheduleSubType": "NA" }, "scheduleStatus": "Resume", "allowedTimeIncrements": 15, "settings": { "hardwareSettings": { "brightness": 0, "maxBrightness": 5 }, "fan": { "allowedModes": [ "On", "Auto", "Circulate" ], "changeableValues": { "mode": "On" } }, "temperatureMode": { "air": true }, "specialMode": { "autoChangeoverActive": false, "emergencyHeatActive": false } }, "deviceClass": "Thermostat", "deviceType": "Thermostat", "deviceID": "LCC-00D02DAB5CBE", "userDefinedDeviceName": "TSeries", "name": "TSeries", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "00D02DAB5CBE", "deviceSettings": {}, "units": "Fahrenheit", "indoorTemperature": 73, "outdoorTemperature": 46, "allowedModes": [ "EmergencyHeat", "Heat", "Off", "Cool", "Auto" ], "deadband": 0, "hasDualSetpointStatus": false, "minHeatSetpoint": 50, "maxHeatSetpoint": 90, "minCoolSetpoint": 50, "maxCoolSetpoint": 90, "changeableValues": { "mode": "Heat", "autoChangeoverActive": false, "emergencyHeatActive": false, "heatSetpoint": 62, "coolSetpoint": 85, "thermostatSetpointStatus": "NoHold", "nextPeriodTime": "18:00:00", "endHeatSetpoint": 62, "endCoolSetpoint": 85, "heatCoolMode": "Heat" }, "operationStatus": { "mode": "EquipmentOff", "fanRequest": false, "circulationFanRequest": false } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition displayedOutdoorHumidity Integer Outdoor humidity reading (from weather data), should be treated as percentage vacationHold Object   vacationHold.enabled Boolean Is vacation hold enabled? scheduleCapabilities Object   scheduleCapabilities.availableScheduleTypes Array List of available schedule types scheduleCapabilities.schedulableFan Boolean Is the fan mode scheduleable? scheduleType Object   scheduleType.scheduleType String Current schedule type scheduleType.scheduleSubType String Current schedule sub-type scheduleStatus String Current status of schedule allowedTimeIncrements Integer Allowed time increments of the timed schedule (in minutes) settings Object   settings.hardwareSettings Object   settings.hardwareSettings.brightness Integer Current brightness setting settings.hardwareSettings.maxBrightness Integer Maximum brightness setting Object Array Array of allowed fan modes Object List of writeable fan settings settings.temperatureMode Object   settings.temperatureMode.air Boolean   settings.specialMode Object   settings.specialMode.autoChangeoverActive Boolean Will exist if device has this mode enabled, true or false based on running in that mode settings.specialMode.emergencyHeatActive Boolean Will exist if device has this mode enabled, true or false based on running in that mode deviceClass String Class of device deviceType String Type of device deviceID String Unique ID of device. "LCC-" == T-Series, "TCC-" == Round userDefinedDeviceName String User defined name of the device. Shown in the mobile app. name String Device name isAlive Boolean true == device online. false == device offline isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly or not macID String Unique MACID of the device deviceSettings Object   units String Units used on device (Celsius or Fahrenheit) indoorTemperature Integer or Float Current display temperature on device. Whole numbers for F units or .5 increments for C units. outdoorTemperature Integer or Float Current outdoor temperature based on location data. allowedModes Array List of allowed modes for the device, also be sure to doublecheck settings.specialMode for Round. deadband Integer Required separation between high and low setpoints. Default for Thermostats is 0. hasDualSetpointStatus Boolean Indicates whether the thermostat maintains separate heat and cool setpoint status value. minHeatSetpoint Integer or Float The lower limit for the heating setpoint. maxHeatSetpoint Integer or Float The upper limit for the heating setpoint. minCoolSetpoint Integer or Float The lower limit for the heating setpoint. maxCoolSetpoint Integer or Float The upper limit for the heating setpoint. changeableValues.mode String Current mode of the thermostat. changeableValues.autoChangeoverActive Boolean If field is set in the response then the thermostat supports autochangeover to be controlled independent of mode. If field is not set in the response then the thermostat does not support autochangeover. changeableValues.emergencyHeatActive Boolean Indicates if emergency heating is active. When this field is returned (it is nullable and does not have to be in the response) - it means that the device handles emergency heating independently of the mode. When this field is returned (it is nullable and does not have to be in the response) - device will not accept EmergencyHeat as an allowed value. When emergency heating is active you cannot set thermostat's mode to other value than Off and you cannot change autochangeover. changeableValues.heatSetpoint Decimal Current heating setpoint. changeableValues.coolSetpoint Decimal Current cooling setpoint. changeableValues.thermostatSetpointStatus String Signifies current setpoint state. TemporaryHold, HoldUntil, PermanentHold, VacationHold, NoHold changeableValues.holdUntil timeSpan Time in 15 minutes intervals (the maximum value is 92 = 11:45 PM), meaning depends on other properties. changeableValues.nextPeriodTime timeSpan Indicates when next schedule period starts changeableValues.endHeatSetpoint Decimal The heating setpoint that would occur if the current hold ended now. If there is no hold, or if the thermostat cannot control heating, then this value is not present. changeableValues.endCoolSetpoint Decimal The cooling setpoint that would occur if the current hold ended now. If there is no hold, or if the thermostat cannot control cooling, then this value is not present. changeableValues.heatCoolMode String Heat cool mode when system switch is in Auto mode. operationStatus Object Details around operation status of the equipment. operationStatus.mode String Current running (relay status) of the equipment. operationStatus.fanRequest Boolean Current running (relay status) of the fan. operationStatus.circulationFanRequest Boolean Current running (relay status) of the fan circulate mode. smartAway Object Settings that will take effect when nobody is home (via Geofencing). Null when reported means smart away is not available. indoorHumidity Decimal Indoor humidity rating as a percentage, currently only on Round thermostats indoorHumidityStatus String Status of humidity sensor. Measured, NotAvailable, or SensorFault. { "firmwareVer": "0.5.16A4", "waterPresent": false, "currentSensorReadings": { "time": "2017-10-19T08:27:42", "temperature": 20.39, "humidity": 44.8 }, "currentAlarms": [], "lastCheckin": "2017-10-19T08:27:44", "lastDeviceSettingUpdatedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "batteryRemaining": 43, "isRegistered": true, "hasDeviceCheckedIn": true, "isDeviceOffline": false, "firstFailedAttemptTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "failedConnectionAttempts": 0, "wifiSignalStrength": -46, "isFirmwareUpdateRequired": false, "time": "2017-10-19T08:27:42", "deviceClass": "LeakDetector", "deviceType": "Water Leak Detector", "deviceID": "31aae686-6b4a-476e-8cbc-da4a1cab2cd5", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Basement", "backend": { "id": "31aae686-6b4a-476e-8cbc-da4a1cab2cd5" }, "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "deviceSettings": { "temp": { "high": { "limit": 36.5 }, "low": { "limit": 6.5 } }, "humidity": { "high": { "limit": 70 }, "low": { "limit": 20 } }, "userDefinedName": "Basement", "buzzerMuted": false, "checkinPeriod": 8, "currentSensorReadPeriod": 60 } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition firmwareVer String Current firmware version waterPresent Boolean True if water has been detected currentSensorReadings Object   currentSensorReadings.time DateTime Timestamp of last reading currentSensorReadings.temperature Decimal Last read temperature, always in C units currentSensorReadings.humidity Percentage Last read humidity, always a percentage currentAlarms Object Array Array of objects for current alerts lastCheckin DateTime Timestamp of last check-in lastDeviceSettingUpdatedOn DateTime Date and time stamp of the last device setting change request batteryRemaining Integer Battery life remaining as a percentage isRegistered Boolean True/false if the device is registered hasDeviceCheckedIn Boolean True/false if the device has checked-in to Resideo servers. isDeviceOffline Boolean True/false if the device is offline. firstFailedAttemptTime DateTime failedConnectionAttempts Integer wifiSignalStrength Integer WiFi signal strength in db isFirmwareUpdateRequired Boolean Does the device require a firmware update time DateTime deviceClass String Class of the device. "LeakDetector" for Water Leak Detector. deviceType String Type of the device. "Water Leak Detector" for Water Leak Detector devices. deviceID String Unique device ID userDefinedDeviceName String User defined device name, what is shown in the Honeywell Home App backend Object String Backend device ID isAlive Boolean Is the device online or not. isUpgrading Boolean Is the device currently running a firmware update? isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly? deviceSettings.temp Object Temperature limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.temp.high Object   deviceSettings.temp.high.limit Decimal The device reading this temp will cause a high temperature alert. Always in C units. deviceSettings.temp.low Object   deviceSettings.temp.low.limit Decimal The device reading this temp will cause a low temperature alert. Always in C units. deviceSettings.humidity Object Temperature limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.humidity.high Object   deviceSettings.humidity.high.limit Percentage The device reading this humidity will cause a high humidity alert. deviceSettings.humidity.low Object   deviceSettings.humidity.low.limit Percentage The device reading this humidity will cause a low humidity alert. deviceSettings.humidity Object Humidity limit settings for alerts deviceSettings.userDefinedName String User defined device name deviceSettings.buzzerMuted Boolean Buzzer muted true/false deviceSettings.checkinPeriod Integer User set device check-in/reporting period for periodic readings deviceSettings.currentSensorReadPeriod Integer Sensor reading period { "model": "C2", "manufacturer": "Edimax", "serial": "1726ZA300023", "maxResolution": "1920x1080", "firmwareVer": "v1.26_20171017", "wifiStrength": "54", "deviceClass": "Camera", "deviceType": "C2", "deviceID": "c7a4c930-ef20-48ee-b8a4-74e4b4152ef8", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Camera", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "74DA38D20850" } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition model String Camera model manufacturer String Camera manufacturer serial String Camera serial number maxResolution String Max display resoultion of the camera (WxH) firmwareVer String Current firmware version wifiStrength Integer Wifi signal strength deviceClass String Class of device. "Camera" for cameras deviceType String Type of camera (C1, C2, etc) deviceID String Unique Device ID userDefinedDeviceName String User defined device name. Shown in the Honeywell Home App. isAlive Boolean Is the device online or not? isUpgrading Boolean Is the device currently performing a firmware update? isProvisioned Boolean Is the device provisioned correctly? macID Unique MACID of the device { "deviceDetails": { "configurations": { "model": "DAS", "firmwareVersion": "HDAS_GL.", "commApiVersion": "", "mac": "B82CA0032222", "serialNumber": "0x956D1AC8\n", "wifiInfo": { "name": "HCH_A1" }, "firmwareUpgradeInfo": { "lastSuccessfulUpgradeTime": "2018-10-03T12:29:26.3828809Z", "lastUpgradeStartTime": "2018-10-03T12:25:15.3624593Z", "expectedUpgradeCompletionTime": "2018-10-03T12:33:15.3624593Z" }, "primaryZWaveController": { "id": "1", "name": "SUC/SIS Controller", "configurations": { "version": "C07,0500 (4.61)", "homeId": "c533d2be", "type": "SucSis", "nodeId": "1", "nodeDescription": "SUC/SIS Controller", "automationDeviceType": "Output", "automationDeviceSubType": "Controller", "manufacturerName": "Honeywell ", "manufacturerId": "Controller", "productId": "1", "productType": "8", "routerCapability": false, "associationState": false, "deviceSecurity": true, "specificType": 10, "securityMode": "Wep" }, "state": { "value": 0, "isConnected": true, "inReplaceMode": false } }, "voiceCommands": [ { "voiceEngine": "Alexa", "enabled": true } ] }, "state": { "isACLoss": false, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 100 }, "isTampered": false, "isOnline": true, "discoveryMode": "Disable", "lastCommunicationStatusChange": "2019-04-03T20:15:55.3498069Z", "isSyncInProgress": false, "isUpgradeInProgress": false, "alexaConnectionState": "Disconnect", "isMandatoryFirmwareUpgradeRequired": false }, "partitions": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Lyric Home", "configurations": { "canRestartTimer": false, "entryDelay": 15, "exitDelay": 15, "enableDeterrence": false, "setStateConfigs": [ { "setState": "Disarm", "enableAlarm": false, "enableCamera": false, "chimeVolume": 22, "enableDeterrence": false, "enableOsmv": false }, { "setState": "ArmAway", "enableAlarm": true, "enableCamera": true, "chimeVolume": 22, "enableDeterrence": false, "enableOsmv": true }, { "setState": "ArmStay", "enableAlarm": true, "enableCamera": false, "chimeVolume": 22, "enableDeterrence": false, "enableOsmv": true } ], "deterrenceActions": { "chimes": [ "DogBark" ] } }, "state": { "setState": "Disarm", "inEntryDelay": false, "inExitDelay": false, "alarmState": "None", "isTrouble": false, "isFault": true, "isBypassed": false, "lastUpdatedTime": "2019-04-17T17:40:26.8661883Z", "silentModeEnabled": true, "lastSetStateUpdatedTime": "2019-04-17T17:40:26.8661883Z" } } ], "sensors": [ { "id": "3", "name": "Living Room Window", "configurations": { "firmwareVersion": "06155A35", "serialNumber": "306184470:1", "bridgeId": "3", "sensitivity": 0, "chime": "Standard", "isEnabled": true, "sensorCommType": "Unknown", "responseType": "Perimeter", "sensorType": "Input", "sensorSubType": "Contact" }, "state": { "isAlarm": false, "isBypassed": false, "isFault": true, "isTrouble": false, "isTampered": false, "supervisionFailed": false, "isEnrolled": true, "isConnected": true, "signalStrength": 0, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 0 }, "activeTests": [], "isVerified": false } }, { "id": "2", "name": "Front Door", "configurations": { "firmwareVersion": "06155A35", "serialNumber": "306184545:1", "bridgeId": "2", "sensitivity": 0, "chime": "Standard", "isEnabled": true, "sensorCommType": "Unknown", "responseType": "EntryExit", "sensorType": "Input", "sensorSubType": "Contact" }, "state": { "isAlarm": false, "isBypassed": false, "isFault": true, "isTrouble": false, "isTampered": false, "supervisionFailed": false, "isEnrolled": true, "isConnected": true, "signalStrength": 0, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 0 }, "activeTests": [], "isVerified": false } }, { "id": "4", "name": "Front Porch", "configurations": { "firmwareVersion": "09215B13", "serialNumber": "1128923551:1", "bridgeId": "4", "sensitivity": 0, "chime": "Standard", "isEnabled": true, "sensorCommType": "Unknown", "responseType": "NoResponse", "sensorType": "Pir", "sensorSubType": "Osmv" }, "state": { "isAlarm": false, "isBypassed": false, "isFault": false, "isTrouble": false, "isTampered": false, "supervisionFailed": false, "isEnrolled": true, "isConnected": true, "signalStrength": 0, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 0 }, "activeTests": [], "isVerified": false } } ], "keyFobs": [ { "id": "131", "name": "Fob1", "partitionId": "1", "configurations": { "serialNumber": "306708788:0", "size": 0, "firmwareVersion": "07155A4B" }, "state": { "keyCommandMapping": [ { "keyIndex": 131, "commandIndex": 21 }, { "keyIndex": 132, "commandIndex": 22 }, { "keyIndex": 133, "commandIndex": 20 }, { "keyIndex": 134, "commandIndex": 7 } ], "isEnrolled": true, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 60 }, "signalStrength": 0 } } ], "automationDevices": { "switches": [ { "configurations": { "switchType": "Dimmer", "switchSubType": "Default", "nodeId": "2", "nodeDescription": "Switch 001", "automationDeviceType": "Output", "automationDeviceSubType": "Switch Multilevel", "manufacturerName": "Honeywell Multi Mode Comm., 5044, 3033", "manufacturerId": "Switch Multilevel", "productId": "3033", "productType": "5044", "routerCapability": false, "associationState": false, "deviceSecurity": false, "specificType": 2, "securityMode": "Open" }, "state": { "lastCommunicationStatusChangeTime": "2019-02-26T22:17:03.9144634Z", "value": 0, "isConnected": false, "inReplaceMode": false }, "id": "AD_1", "name": "Outlet" }, { "configurations": { "switchType": "Toggle", "switchSubType": "Default", "nodeId": "3", "nodeDescription": "Switch 002", "automationDeviceType": "Output", "automationDeviceSubType": "Switch Binary", "manufacturerName": "Jasco Products Multi Mode Comm., 5052, 3039", "manufacturerId": "Switch Binary", "productId": "3039", "productType": "5052", "routerCapability": false, "associationState": false, "deviceSecurity": false, "specificType": 1, "securityMode": "Open" }, "state": { "lastCommunicationStatusChangeTime": "2019-03-06T20:08:16.0600441Z", "value": 1, "isConnected": false, "inReplaceMode": false }, "id": "AD_2", "name": "Printer" }, { "configurations": { "switchType": "Dimmer", "switchSubType": "Default", "nodeId": "4", "nodeDescription": "Switch 003", "automationDeviceType": "Output", "automationDeviceSubType": "Switch Multilevel", "manufacturerName": "Jasco Products Multi Mode Comm., 4C42, 3031", "manufacturerId": "Switch Multilevel", "productId": "3031", "productType": "4c42", "routerCapability": false, "associationState": false, "deviceSecurity": false, "specificType": 2, "securityMode": "Open" }, "state": { "lastCommunicationStatusChangeTime": "2019-04-01T19:59:15.518994Z", "value": 99, "isConnected": true, "inReplaceMode": false }, "id": "AD_3", "name": "Lamp" } ] }, "onboardDevices": [ { "deviceClass": "Camera", "deviceType": "BuiltIn", "deviceID": "21034", "maxResolution": "1920x1080", "manufacturer": "Honeywell Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd", "model": "HONDASCP100", "serial": "111122223333", "firmwareVer": "90", "macID": "B8:2C:A0:03:22:22", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Living Room", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "wifiStrength": "", "backend": "EMX", "peopleDetectionState": "None" } ] }, "geoFence": "off", "frConfiguration": { "maxPersons": 2, "plan": "Free" }, "deviceClass": "DeviceGateway", "deviceType": "HONDAS", "deviceID": "LSC-B82CA0032222", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Security", "name": "Security", "isAlive": true, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "B82CA0032222", "deviceSettings": {}, "service": { "mode": "Up" } } Field Name/Location Data Type Definition deviceDetails Object Object with collection of device details deviceDetails.configurations Object Configuration object deviceDetails.configurations.model String Device Model, should be "DAS" deviceDetails.configurations.firmwareVersion String Current firmware version deviceDetails.configurations.mac String MacID String Current Wifi SSID used deviceDetails.configurations.voiceCommands Array Array of voice assistant configurations deviceDetails.configurations.voiceCommands.voiceEngine String Name of voice engine deviceDetails.configurations.voiceCommands.enabled Boolean Is the assistant enabled deviceDetails.state Object Base station state object deviceDetails.state.isACLoss Boolean Is device plugged in? False means device is using AC power deviceDetails.state.batteryState Object Battery state info deviceDetails.state.batteryState.isLow Boolean Is battery level low? deviceDetails.state.batteryState.level Integer Battery level, in percentage deviceDetails.state.isTampered Boolean Is the device tamper detection activated? deviceDetails.state.isOnline Boolean Is the device online? deviceDetails.state.discoveryMode String Is the device currently in Z-Wave discovery mode? deviceDetails.state.lasCommunicationStateChange DateTime Last time the isOnline state changed in UTC deviceDetails.state.isSyncInProgress Boolean Is device sync in progress? deviceDetails.state.isUpgradeInProgress Boolean Is the device firmware currently being updated? deviceDetails.state.alexaConnectionState String Is Alexa connected or not? deviceDetails.partitions Array Array of partitions configured String ID of partition, used when arming and disarming String Name of partition deviceDetails.partitions.configurations Object Partition configuration info deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.canRestartTimer Boolean Can the exit timer be restarted? deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.entryDelay Integer Number of seconds after entry before alarm is triggered deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.exitDelay Integer Number of seconds after arming user has to exit deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.setStateConfigs Array Array of possible arming modes deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.setStateConfigs.setState String Setting state: "Disarm", "ArmAway", "ArmStay" deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.setStateConfigs.enableAlarm Boolean Does this setting enable the alarm? deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.setStateConfigs.enableCamera Boolean Does this setting enable the camera? deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.setStateConfigs.chimeVolume Integer Level of chime volume when changing to this config deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state Object Arming state information deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.setState String Current arming mode deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.inEntryDelay Boolean Is device in entry delay? deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.inExitDelay Boolean Is device in exit delay? deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.alarmState String Current alarm state deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.isTrouble Boolean Is there a tamper alert deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.isBypassed Boolean Are sensors bypassed? deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.lastUpdatedTime DateTime Last time the state was updated. In UTC. deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.silentModeEnabled Boolean Is silent mode enabled? deviceDetails.partitions.configurations.state.lastSetStateUpdatedTime DateTime Last set state change deviceDetails.sensors Array Array of sensor information attached to base station String ID of sensor String Name of sensor (usually indicates location) deviceDetails.sensors.configurations Object Sensor configuration information deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.firmwareVersion String Sensor firmware version deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.serialNumber String Sensor serial number deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.bridgeId String Bridge ID deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.sensitivity Number Sensitivity level deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.chime String Chime configuration for sensor trigger deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.isEnabled Boolean Is the sensor enabled? deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.responseType String When will the sensor trigger an alert or chime deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.sensorType String Sensor Type deviceDetails.sensors.configurations.sensorSubType String Sensor Sub Type deviceDetails.sensors.state Object Sensor state information deviceDetails.sensors.state.isAlarm Boolean Is the sensor in alarm state deviceDetails.sensors.state.isBypassed Boolean Is the sensor bypassed? deviceDetails.sensors.state.isTrouble Boolean Has the sensor trouble alarm been tripped? deviceDetails.sensors.state.isTampered Boolean Has the sensor tamper alarm been tripped? deviceDetails.sensors.state.isEnrolled Boolean Is the sensor enrolled? deviceDetails.sensors.state.isConnected Boolean Is the sensor connected? deviceDetails.sensors.state.signalStrength Integer Current signal strength (if available) deviceDetails.sensors.state.batteryState Object Battery state information deviceDetails.keyFobs Array Data related to any KeyFobs connected deviceDetails.keyFobs Array Data related to any KeyFobs connected String ID of KeyFob String Name of keyfob deviceDetails.keyFobs.partitionId String Partition ID that KeyFob uses deviceDetails.keyFobs.configurations Object KeyFob configuration information deviceDetails.keyFobs.configurations.serialNumber String Serial number of KeyFob deviceDetails.keyFobs.configurations.size String Size of KeyFob deviceDetails.keyFobs.configurations.firmwareVersion String Firmware Version of KeyFob deviceDetails.keyFobs.state Object State of KeyFob deviceDetails.keyFobs.state.keyCommandMapping Array Array of objects pertaining to key command mapping deviceDetails.keyFobs.state.isEnrolled Boolean Device is enrolled deviceDetails.keyFobs.state.batteryState Object Battery state information deviceDetails.keyFobs.state.batteryState.isLow Boolean Is the battery level low? deviceDetails.keyFobs.state.batterystate.level Float Battery level (in percentage) deviceDetails.automationDevices Object Automation devices information deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches Array Information on switches connected to base station deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations Object Switch configuration information deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.switchType String Switch type deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.switchSubType String Switch subtype deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.nodeId String Node ID deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.nodeDescription String Node description deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.automationDeviceType String Automation Device Type (e.g., "Output) deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.automationDeviceSubType String Device subtype (e.g., Switch Multilevel) deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.manufacturerName String   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.manufacturerId String   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.productId String   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.productType String   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.routerCapability Boolean   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.associationState Boolean   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.deviceSecurity Boolean   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.specificType Integer   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.configurations.securityMode String   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.state Object State information deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.state.lastCommunicationStatusChangeTime DateTime Timestamp in UTC of last communication state change deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.state.value Integer   deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.state.isConnected Boolean Is the device connected? deviceDetails.automationDevices.switches.state.inReplaceMode Boolean Is the device in replace mode? String Internal switch ID String User facing device name deviceDetails.automationDevices.discoveredAutomationDevices Array Array of discovered automation devices String Internal id of device deviceDetails.automationDevices.discoveredAutomationDevices.nodeId String Node ID of device String Name of device deviceDetails.automationDevices.discoveredAutomationDevices.configurations Object Object of device configuration information deviceDetails.automationDevices.discoveredAutomationDevices.configurations.commType String Communication type of device deviceDetails.automationDevices.discoveredAutomationDevices.configurations.type String Device type deviceDetails.automationDevices.discoveredAutomationDevices.state Object State information for device String Internal id of device deviceDetails.onboardDevices.deviceClass String Onboard device class deviceDetails.onboardDevices.deviceType String Onboard device type deviceDetails.onboardDevices.deviceID String Onboard device ID, used when calling livestream/status API deviceDetails.onboardDevices.maxResolution String Device video resolution deviceDetails.onboardDevices.manufacturer String Onboard device manufacturer deviceDetails.onboardDevices.model String Device model deviceDetails.onboardDevices.serial String Onboard device serial number deviceDetails.onboardDevices.firmwareVer String Onboard device firmware version deviceDetails.onboardDevices.macID String Onboard device MACID deviceDetails.onboardDevices.userDefinedDeviceName String User defined device name deviceDetails.onboardDevices.isAlive Boolean Is device online? deviceDetails.onboardDevices.isUpgrading Boolean Is device updating? deviceDetails.onboardDevices.isProvisioned Boolean Is device provisioning? deviceDetails.onboardDevices.wifiStrength String Wifi signal strength geoFence Boolean Is device using geofencing? deviceClass String Class of base device deviceType String Device Type deviceID String Unique ID of device userDefinedDeviceName String User device device name name String Device name isAlive Boolean Is device alive? isProvisioned Boolean Is device provisioned? macID String Unique device MACID deviceSettings Object Device settings listing

Water Leak Detector



Get temperature and humidity sensor history{deviceId}/history

This resource will return reading history for a particular deviceId. The readings returned are temperature and humidity, not leak detection. Dates are in the following format: "mm/dd/yyyy" Response Model ExampleData Definitions [ { "time": "2015-11-02T00:01:32", "humidity": "32.2", "temperature": "22.86" }, { "time": "2015-11-02T00:06:44", "humidity": "32.2", "temperature": "22.85" }, { "time": "2015-11-02T00:11:55", "humidity": "32.2", "temperature": "22.88" }, { "time": "2015-11-02T00:16:57", "humidity": "32.2", "temperature": "22.84" }, { "time": "2015-11-02T00:21:08", "humidity": "32.2", "temperature": "22.9" } ] Field Name/Location Data Type Definition time DateTime Date and time the reading was captured humidity String Humidity value returned as a string, interpret as a percentage temperature String Temperature value returned as a string, always in Celcius units



Water Leak Detector




Smart Home Security


Shutoff Valve



Get all Locations and Devices

Get all locations, this will also return all devices within those locations For specific device data structures, please see each specific device type's GET by ID command Response Model ExampleData Definitions [ { "locationID": 559589, "name": "Home", "country": "US", "zipcode": "55422", "devices": [ { "deviceDetails": { "configurations": { "model": "DAS", "firmwareVersion": "HDAS_GL.", "commApiVersion": "", "mac": "B82CA0032222", "serialNumber": "0x956D1AC8\n", "wifiInfo": { "name": "HCH_A1" }, "firmwareUpgradeInfo": { "lastSuccessfulUpgradeTime": "2018-10-03T12:29:26.3828809Z", "lastUpgradeStartTime": "2018-10-03T12:25:15.3624593Z", "expectedUpgradeCompletionTime": "2018-10-03T12:33:15.3624593Z" }, "primaryZWaveController": { "id": "1", "name": "SUC/SIS Controller", "configurations": { "version": "C07,0500 (4.61)", "homeId": "c533d2be", "type": "SucSis", "nodeId": "1", "nodeDescription": "SUC/SIS Controller", "automationDeviceType": "Output", "automationDeviceSubType": "Controller", "manufacturerName": "Honeywell ", "manufacturerId": "Controller", "productId": "1", "productType": "8", "routerCapability": false, "associationState": false, "deviceSecurity": true, "specificType": 10, "securityMode": "Wep" }, "state": { "value": 0, "isConnected": true, "inReplaceMode": false } }, "voiceCommands": [ { "voiceEngine": "Alexa", "enabled": true } ] }, "state": { "isACLoss": false, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 100 }, "isTampered": false, "isOnline": true, "discoveryMode": "Disable", "lastCommunicationStatusChange": "2019-04-03T20:15:55.3498069Z", "isSyncInProgress": false, "isUpgradeInProgress": false, "alexaConnectionState": "Disconnect", "isMandatoryFirmwareUpgradeRequired": false }, "partitions": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Lyric Home", "configurations": { "canRestartTimer": false, "entryDelay": 15, "exitDelay": 15, "enableDeterrence": false, "setStateConfigs": [ { "setState": "Disarm", "enableAlarm": false, "enableCamera": false, "chimeVolume": 22, "enableDeterrence": false, "enableOsmv": false }, { "setState": "ArmAway", "enableAlarm": true, "enableCamera": true, "chimeVolume": 22, "enableDeterrence": false, "enableOsmv": true }, { "setState": "ArmStay", "enableAlarm": true, "enableCamera": false, "chimeVolume": 22, "enableDeterrence": false, "enableOsmv": true } ], "deterrenceActions": { "chimes": [ "DogBark" ] } }, "state": { "setState": "Disarm", "inEntryDelay": false, "inExitDelay": false, "alarmState": "None", "isTrouble": false, "isFault": true, "isBypassed": false, "lastUpdatedTime": "2019-04-17T17:40:26.8661883Z", "silentModeEnabled": true, "lastSetStateUpdatedTime": "2019-04-17T17:40:26.8661883Z" } } ], "sensors": [ { "id": "3", "name": "Living Room Window", "configurations": { "firmwareVersion": "06155A35", "serialNumber": "306184470:1", "bridgeId": "3", "sensitivity": 0, "chime": "Standard", "isEnabled": true, "sensorCommType": "Unknown", "responseType": "Perimeter", "sensorType": "Input", "sensorSubType": "Contact" }, "state": { "isAlarm": false, "isBypassed": false, "isFault": true, "isTrouble": false, "isTampered": false, "supervisionFailed": false, "isEnrolled": true, "isConnected": true, "signalStrength": 0, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 0 }, "activeTests": [], "isVerified": false } }, { "id": "2", "name": "Front Door", "configurations": { "firmwareVersion": "06155A35", "serialNumber": "306184545:1", "bridgeId": "2", "sensitivity": 0, "chime": "Standard", "isEnabled": true, "sensorCommType": "Unknown", "responseType": "EntryExit", "sensorType": "Input", "sensorSubType": "Contact" }, "state": { "isAlarm": false, "isBypassed": false, "isFault": true, "isTrouble": false, "isTampered": false, "supervisionFailed": false, "isEnrolled": true, "isConnected": true, "signalStrength": 0, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 0 }, "activeTests": [], "isVerified": false } }, { "id": "4", "name": "Front Porch", "configurations": { "firmwareVersion": "09215B13", "serialNumber": "1128923551:1", "bridgeId": "4", "sensitivity": 0, "chime": "Standard", "isEnabled": true, "sensorCommType": "Unknown", "responseType": "NoResponse", "sensorType": "Pir", "sensorSubType": "Osmv" }, "state": { "isAlarm": false, "isBypassed": false, "isFault": false, "isTrouble": false, "isTampered": false, "supervisionFailed": false, "isEnrolled": true, "isConnected": true, "signalStrength": 0, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 0 }, "activeTests": [], "isVerified": false } } ], "keyFobs": [ { "id": "131", "name": "Fob1", "partitionId": "1", "configurations": { "serialNumber": "306708788:0", "size": 0, "firmwareVersion": "07155A4B" }, "state": { "keyCommandMapping": [ { "keyIndex": 131, "commandIndex": 21 }, { "keyIndex": 132, "commandIndex": 22 }, { "keyIndex": 133, "commandIndex": 20 }, { "keyIndex": 134, "commandIndex": 7 } ], "isEnrolled": true, "batteryState": { "isLow": false, "level": 60 }, "signalStrength": 0 } } ], "automationDevices": { "switches": [ { "configurations": { "switchType": "Dimmer", "switchSubType": "Default", "nodeId": "2", "nodeDescription": "Switch 001", "automationDeviceType": "Output", "automationDeviceSubType": "Switch Multilevel", "manufacturerName": "Honeywell Multi Mode Comm., 5044, 3033", "manufacturerId": "Switch Multilevel", "productId": "3033", "productType": "5044", "routerCapability": false, "associationState": false, "deviceSecurity": false, "specificType": 2, "securityMode": "Open" }, "state": { "lastCommunicationStatusChangeTime": "2019-02-26T22:17:03.9144634Z", "value": 0, "isConnected": false, "inReplaceMode": false }, "id": "AD_1", "name": "Outlet" }, { "configurations": { "switchType": "Toggle", "switchSubType": "Default", "nodeId": "3", "nodeDescription": "Switch 002", "automationDeviceType": "Output", "automationDeviceSubType": "Switch Binary", "manufacturerName": "Jasco Products Multi Mode Comm., 5052, 3039", "manufacturerId": "Switch Binary", "productId": "3039", "productType": "5052", "routerCapability": false, "associationState": false, "deviceSecurity": false, "specificType": 1, "securityMode": "Open" }, "state": { "lastCommunicationStatusChangeTime": "2019-03-06T20:08:16.0600441Z", "value": 1, "isConnected": false, "inReplaceMode": false }, "id": "AD_2", "name": "Printer" }, { "configurations": { "switchType": "Dimmer", "switchSubType": "Default", "nodeId": "4", "nodeDescription": "Switch 003", "automationDeviceType": "Output", "automationDeviceSubType": "Switch Multilevel", "manufacturerName": "Jasco Products Multi Mode Comm., 4C42, 3031", "manufacturerId": "Switch Multilevel", "productId": "3031", "productType": "4c42", "routerCapability": false, "associationState": false, "deviceSecurity": false, "specificType": 2, "securityMode": "Open" }, "state": { "lastCommunicationStatusChangeTime": "2019-04-01T19:59:15.518994Z", "value": 99, "isConnected": true, "inReplaceMode": false }, "id": "AD_3", "name": "Lamp" } ] }, "onboardDevices": [ { "deviceClass": "Camera", "deviceType": "BuiltIn", "deviceID": "21034", "maxResolution": "1920x1080", "manufacturer": "Honeywell Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd", "model": "HONDASCP100", "serial": "111122223333", "firmwareVer": "90", "macID": "B8:2C:A0:03:22:22", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Living Room", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "wifiStrength": "", "backend": "EMX", "peopleDetectionState": "None" } ] }, "geoFence": "off", "frConfiguration": { "maxPersons": 2, "plan": "Free" }, "deviceClass": "DeviceGateway", "deviceType": "HONDAS", "deviceID": "LSC-B82CA0032222", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Security", "name": "Security", "isAlive": true, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "B82CA0032222", "deviceSettings": {}, "service": { "mode": "Up" } }, { "firmwareVersion": "", "displayedOutdoorHumidity": 39, "vacationHold": { "vacationStart": "2019-04-25T19:05:48", "vacationEnd": "2019-04-26T19:05:48", "heatSetpoint": 70, "coolSetpoint": 72, "enabled": true }, "currentSchedulePeriod": { "day": "Monday", "period": "Away" }, "scheduleCapabilities": { "availableScheduleTypes": [ "None", "Geofenced", "TimedNorthAmerica" ], "schedulableFan": false }, "scheduleType": { "scheduleType": "Timed", "scheduleSubType": "NA" }, "scheduleStatus": "Resume", "allowedTimeIncrements": 15, "settings": { "hardwareSettings": { "brightness": 2, "maxBrightness": 10 }, "fan": { "allowedModes": [ "On", "Auto" ], "changeableValues": { "mode": "Auto" }, "allowedSpeeds": [ { "item": "Low", "value": { "speed": 1, "mode": "On" } }, { "item": "Medium", "value": { "speed": 2, "mode": "On" } }, { "item": "High", "value": { "speed": 3, "mode": "On" } }, { "item": "Auto", "value": { "speed": null, "mode": "Auto" } } ] }, "temperatureMode": { "air": true }, "specialMode": {} }, "deviceClass": "Thermostat", "deviceType": "Thermostat", "deviceID": "LCC-B82CA00245E5", "userDefinedDeviceName": "D6", "name": "D6", "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "macID": "B82CA00245E5", "deviceSettings": {}, "parentDeviceId": 1, "partnerInfo": { "singleOrMultiODUConfiguration": 1, "parentDeviceModelId": 1, "parentDeviceBrandId": 1, "oduName": "Outdoor Unit 1" }, "service": { "mode": "Up" }, "deviceRegistrationDate": "2018-05-30T19:57:05.2866667", "units": "Fahrenheit", "indoorTemperature": 76, "outdoorTemperature": 68.7, "allowedModes": [ "Heat", "Off", "Cool" ], "deadband": 0, "hasDualSetpointStatus": false, "minHeatSetpoint": 61, "maxHeatSetpoint": 88, "minCoolSetpoint": 61, "maxCoolSetpoint": 88, "changeableValues": { "mode": "Off", "heatSetpoint": 62, "coolSetpoint": 85, "thermostatSetpointStatus": "NoHold", "nextPeriodTime": "18:00:00", "endHeatSetpoint": 62, "endCoolSetpoint": 85, "heatCoolMode": "Heat" }, "operationStatus": { "mode": "EquipmentOff", "fanRequest": false, "circulationFanRequest": false }, "indoorHumidity": 32, "indoorHumidityStatus": "Measured", "deviceModel": "D6" }, { "waterPresent": false, "currentSensorReadings": { "time": "2019-04-24T13:59:02", "temperature": 21.55, "humidity": 30.5 }, "currentAlarms": [], "lastCheckin": "2019-04-24T13:59:03", "lastDeviceSettingUpdatedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "batteryRemaining": 50, "isRegistered": true, "hasDeviceCheckedIn": true, "isDeviceOffline": false, "firstFailedAttemptTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "failedConnectionAttempts": 0, "wifiSignalStrength": -29, "time": "2019-04-24T13:59:02", "deviceClass": "LeakDetector", "deviceType": "Water Leak Detector", "deviceID": "a15b7da4-3d19-4869-a48e-3cb4cf7f9fc7", "userDefinedDeviceName": "Basement", "backend": {}, "isAlive": true, "isUpgrading": false, "isProvisioned": true, "deviceSettings": { "temp": { "high": { "limit": 26.5 }, "low": { "limit": 15.5 } }, "humidity": { "high": { "limit": 85 }, "low": { "limit": 20 } }, "userDefinedName": "Basement", "buzzerMuted": false, "checkinPeriod": 8, "currentSensorReadPeriod": 60 }, "service": { "mode": "Up" }, "deviceRegistrationDate": "2018-06-19T19:02:40.73" }, { "firmwareVersion": "", "displayedOutdoorHumidity": 39, "vacationHold": { "vacationStart": "2019-04-25T08:05:36", "vacationEnd": "2019-04-26T08:05:36", "heatSetpoint": 70, "coolSetpoint": 72, "enabled": true }, "currentSchedulePeriod": { "day": "Monday", "period": "Away" }, "scheduleCapabilities": { "availableScheduleTypes": [ "None", "Geofenced", "TimedNorthAmerica" ], "schedulableFan": false }, "scheduleType": { "scheduleType": "Timed", "scheduleSubType": "NA" }, "scheduleStatus": "Resume", "allowedTimeIncrements": 15, "settings": { "hardwareSettings": { "brightness": 10, "maxBrightness": 10 }, "fan": { "allowedModes": [ "On", "Auto" ], "changeableValues": { "mode": "Auto" }, "allowedSpeeds": [ { "item": "Low", "value": { "speed": 1, "mode": "On" } }, { "item": "Medium", "value": { "speed": 2, "mode": "On" } }, { "item": "High", "value": { "speed": 3, "mode": "On" } }, { "item": "Auto", "value": { "speed": null, "mode": "Auto" } } ] }, "temperatureMode": { "air": true }, 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