

Set Schedule

Set current schedule for a given DeviceID

  • T5/T6 can have 4 periods, T9/T10 can have up to 6.
  • Timed schedule should have all 7 days of a week and can not repeat a day again.
  • If "isCancelled" is 'true' the period wil not be set.
  • if "isCancelled" is 'False' the period is set with respective values



  "deviceID": "LCC-abcdef1234"
  "scheduleType": "Timed",
  "scheduleSubType": "NA",
  "timedSchedule": {
    "days": [
        "day": "Monday",
        "periods": [
            "isCancelled": true,
            "periodType": "Wake",
            "periodName": "string",
            "startTime": "string",
            "heatSetPoint": 0,
            "coolSetPoint": 0,
            "fanSwitch": {
              "position": "Auto",
              "speed": 0
            "priority": {
              "priorityType": "WholeHouse",
              "selectedRooms": [
            "schedSysSwitch": "On"
Field Name/Location Data Type Definition Required
deviceID String DeviceID associated to the schedule Y
scheduleType Enum Schedule type, possible values: None,Geofenced,GeofencedWithSleep,Timed,Partner Y
scheduleSubType Enum Secondary schedule type, "NA", "EMEA", "NONE" N
timedSchedule Object Contains schedule settings  
timedSchedule.days Array Contains schedule settings Enum Day of the week 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'  
timedSchedule.days.periods Object Schedule periods for the given day  
timedSchedule.days.periods.isCancelled Boolean True/false if the period is enabled for a given day  
timedSchedule.days.periods.periodType String Period of the day (e.g, "Wake", "Away", "Home", "Sleep")  
timedSchedule.days.periods.startTime String Time of the day the schedule period starts, in local time. Always 15 minute increments.  
timedSchedule.days.periods.heatSetPoint Decimal Heating setpoint for the period  
timedSchedule.days.periods.coolSetPoint Decimal Cooling setpoint for the period  
timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch Object Fan switch scheduling (T9/T10 only)  
timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch.position Enum Auto, On, Circulate, FollowSchedule  
timedSchedule.days.periods.fanSwitch.speed Number Always 0  
timedSchedule.days.periods.priority Object Sensor priority setting for scheduled period (T9/T10 Only)  
timedSchedule.days.periods.priority.priorityType Enum WholeHouse, PickARoom,FollowMe  
timedSchedule.days.periods.priority.selectedRooms Array Array of Numbers of Rooms to Prioritize (via Rooms/Groups API)  
    "deviceID": "LCC-{{MacID}}",
    "scheduleSubType": "NA",
    "scheduleType": "timed",
    "timedSchedule": {
        "days": [{
            "day": "Monday",
            "periods": [{
                "coolSetPoint": 80,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": true,
                "periodType": "Wake",
                "startTime": "06:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 85,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": true,
                "periodType": "Away",
                "startTime": "08:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 78,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Home",
                "startTime": "18:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 82,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Sleep",
                "startTime": "22:00:00"
        }, {
            "day": "Tuesday",
            "periods": [{
                "coolSetPoint": 80,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Wake",
                "startTime": "06:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 85,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Away",
                "startTime": "08:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 78,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Home",
                "startTime": "18:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 82,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Sleep",
                "startTime": "22:00:00"
        }, {
            "day": "Wednesday",
            "periods": [{
                "coolSetPoint": 80,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Wake",
                "startTime": "06:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 85,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Away",
                "startTime": "08:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 78,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Home",
                "startTime": "18:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 82,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Sleep",
                "startTime": "22:00:00"
        }, {
            "day": "Thursday",
            "periods": [{
                "coolSetPoint": 80,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Wake",
                "startTime": "06:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 85,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Away",
                "startTime": "08:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 78,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Home",
                "startTime": "18:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 82,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Sleep",
                "startTime": "22:00:00"
        }, {
            "day": "Friday",
            "periods": [{
                "coolSetPoint": 80,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Wake",
                "startTime": "06:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 85,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Away",
                "startTime": "08:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 78,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Home",
                "startTime": "18:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 82,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Sleep",
                "startTime": "22:00:00"
        }, {
            "day": "Saturday",
            "periods": [{
                "coolSetPoint": 80,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Wake",
                "startTime": "06:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 85,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Away",
                "startTime": "08:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 78,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Home",
                "startTime": "18:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 82,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Sleep",
                "startTime": "22:00:00"
        }, {
            "day": "Sunday",
            "periods": [{
                "coolSetPoint": 80,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Wake",
                "startTime": "06:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 85,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Away",
                "startTime": "08:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 78,
                "heatSetPoint": 70,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Home",
                "startTime": "18:00:00"
            }, {
                "coolSetPoint": 82,
                "heatSetPoint": 62,
                "isCancelled": false,
                "periodType": "Sleep",
                "startTime": "22:00:00"

Resource URL /devices/schedule/{deviceId}

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Your API Key


LocationID for the requested device


Schedule Type

Request Body

deviceId DeviceID for the requested device true

HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



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Response Error Details

  • HTTP Code
    Error Code
  • Bad Request

    When validation error occurred. List of possible validation errors: UserDoesNotBelongsToThisLocation DeviceNotFound

  • Unauthorized

    Authorization has been denied for this request

  • Forbidden

    You are not authorised to perform this Operation

  • InternalServerError

Resource Summary


Content Type



